FAQ’s about the church of christ


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Presentation transcript:

FAQ’s about the church of christ Is the church of Christ a Cult? Assumes a denominational body – not what’s under consideration

The Charge The Church of Christ is a false religion because it is wrong on the essential Biblical plan of salvation.  In fact, many Church of Christ ministers have taught that the Church of Christ group is the true church of Christ, and no one else is.  They even go as far as to claim that people who haven't been baptized by a Church of Christ preacher will go to Hell.  I distinctly recall a discussion I once had with a Church of Christ minister.  He was arrogant, doctrinally corrupt, and unsaved.  He believed that for a person to be saved, they had to have faith, repent of sins, and be baptized.  Well, that's two items too many!  The only thing that God requires of men to be saved is faith alone in Christ. http://jesus-is-savior.com/False%20Religions/Church%20of%20Christ/cult.htm

The Charge "Baptismal regeneration" is simply the heretical teaching that one must be baptised in order to be saved.  It is a Satanic doctrine, which is responsible for sending billions to Hell.  The Catholic Church REQUIRES it's members to be baptized in order to go to Heaven.  So does the Mormons, Jehovah's Witnesses, Lutherans, Eastern Orthodox, etc.  Jesus NEVER told anyone to get baptized to be saved.  No one in the Old Testament was ever baptized; yet, we read that Abraham was justified by faith, without works (Genesis 15:6; Romans 4:3-5).   http://jesus-is-savior.com/False%20Religions/Church%20of%20Christ/cult.htm

The Charge Facebook.com The religious sect known as the "Church of Christ" has many peculiar and aberrant doctrines that are contrary to the word of God. It is a most deceptive and dangerous cult. Their teaching of baptismal regeneration is an age-old heresy that has damned millions to hell, and is still doing so today. The idea that they are the one, true and restored church of Jesus Christ puts them in the same league with the Mormon and Roman Catholic churches. http://www.biblebelievers.com/david_martin/martin_church-christ.html

The Charge C. Claim to be The Only True Christians  U. Unorthodox Extra-biblical Revelation L. Lying Leaders (History/Doctrine) T. THE Way (Salvation is found only in their organization) S. Salvation By Works (obedience to ordinances such as baptism) http://www.landoverbaptist.net/showthread.php?t=14222

What is a cult?

The 1st Century Church Considered to be extremist and false Eating with unwashed hands, Matt 15:1-14, Mk 7:1-5 Letting known sinners touch them, Lk 7:36-50 Eating with sinners and Gentiles, Matt 11:19, Acts 11:2- 3 Claimed their leader came from heaven and went back to heaven, Jn 8:23-24; Acts 2:32-36 Matthew 11:19 The Son of Man came eating and drinking, and they say, ‘Here is a glutton and a drunkard, a friend of tax collectors and sinners.’ But wisdom is proved right by her deeds.” Acts 11:2-3 2 So when Peter went up to Jerusalem, the circumcised believers criticized him 3 and said, “You went into the house of uncircumcised men and ate with them.”

The 1st Century Church Considered to be extremist and false Claimed their leader was the Son of God and was one with God, Jn 10:30-36, Romans 1:4 Claimed their leader was raised from the dead and would one day raise all men from the dead, Jn 11:25- 26, 1 Cor 15:20-22

The 1st Century Church Lived in an unconventional manner 1 Peter 4:1-4 Acts 17:5-7

The 1st Century Church Lived under the guidance of an authoritarian, charismatic leader. Matthew 28:18-20 John 6:2 Then a great multitude followed Him,… John 7:32, 45-46

The 1st Century Church Acts 28:22 But we desire to hear from you what you think; for concerning this sect, we know that it is spoken against everywhere.” Acts 24:5 For we have found this man a plague, a creator of dissension among all the Jews throughout the world, and a ringleader of the sect of the Nazarenes.

For Jesus’ followers to be called names should come as no surprise. John 15:18-20 1 Peter 3:13-18 It is easier to call the church of Christ a cult and dismiss its teaching than it is to face the uncomfortable truth that men have perverted the word of God and established a system of religion that is contrary to the will of God.

Be Added to the Lord’s Church. Believe – John 8:24 Confess – Romans 10:10, Acts 8:36 Repent – Acts 17:30 Be Baptized – Acts 2:38 Acts 2:47b And the Lord added to the church daily those who were being saved.