I3U Commitment 8. Strengthen science base for policy making through Joint Research Centres and Forum on Forward Looking Activities Venue: Vienna, I3U Project Meeting & Technical Workshop, 14-15.09.2015 Warsaw School of Economics, World Economy Research Institute, Poland
The Rationale for Commitment 8: Commitment 8 of the Innovation Union "The Commission will also create a European Forum on Forward Looking Activities bringing together existing studies and data and involving public and private stakeholders to improve the evidence base of policies."
An Overview of Activities Committed in the Innovation Union to Support Science Base for Policy Making The activity of Joint Research Centre (JRC) and European Forum on Forward Looking Activities may bring research results useful for: - Evidence-based polices; - Foresight-based policies. Why Is It Necessary to Strengthen Science Base for Policy Making in the EU? Better coordination of European policies; Longer policy perspective; Europeanising visions of development; Providing independent evidence-based scientific and technical support for EU policy design and implementation. Science-based policies
The Map of Commitment 8. Source: Own elaboration.
Conclusions (1) Theory of public policy underlines the following factors that can determine the impact of science-based policies on innovation: Content of scientific input (quality of evidence and its relevance) (Stromsdofer, 1985; Nutley, 2003; Packwood, 2002; Shaxson, 2005; Newman et. al., 2012) The appropriate use of scientific evidence and rationality of its application (Jann&Wegrich, 2007; Sutherland et. al, 2012; Cairney, 2012) The organisational aspects of the policy advice process: the stage of policy cycle in which science input is used, the model of policy-science interface, the size, type and power of scientific advisory body and the nature of advisory body mandate (Habermas, 1971; Pielke Jr., 2007; Bijker et. al., 2009; Wilsdon, 2014; Edenhofer and Kowarsch, 2015)
Conclusions (2) On the basis of empirical literature 3 main types of impact of science-based research on innovation can be distinguished and should be covered in the impact assessment: 1. Economic impact (e.g. introduction of new policies, harmonized implementation of policy, development of special products, developing skills , developing & employing methodologies) Social impact (enhancing cooperation and human capital, changing cooperation patterns, integrating stakeholders, setting international examples of good practices, promoting gender equality) 3. Environmental impact (e.g. quality improvement (environment), climate change, preserving biodiversity)
Tentative proposal of indicators measuring impact of Commitment 8. Input measures Throughput measures Output measures Number of EU regulations proposed on the basis of the work of JRC Number of new methods of standardization implemented (also globally) Number of JRC customers Deliverables supporting policy (e.g. reports, tests, methods) and science (e.g. peer-reviewed publications, scientific reports) JRC publications (number and citations) Number of JRC partners (collaboration agreements) R&D budgets for JCR and EFLA EFFLA publications (number of policy papers and policy briefs) Number of researchers working for JRC
Thank you Marzenna Anna Weresa marzenna.weresa@sgh.waw.pl In modalità Presentazione fare clic sulla freccia per accedere alla pagina della guida introduttiva di PowerPoint.