School Education in Russia and Great Britain
School Education in Russia Professional Stages of Year of education Age Types of schools Schools, Colleges education Technical Schools General secondary schools Specialized schools Gymnasiums Lusees Private Schools 11 17 Upper school General Compulsory Education 10 16 Secondary 9 15 Education 8 14 Middle school 7 13 6 12 5 4 Elementary 3 Primary school 2 1 Pre-school Kindergarten
School Education in Great Britain Year of education Age Types of schools Stages of education 14-18 18-23 Professional Schools, Colleges, Technical Schools 13 17 Grammar Secondary 12 16 Schools Modern Comprehensive Private Education Compulsory Education 11 15 10 14 9 8 7 6 Primary Schools Junior School Primary 5 4 3 2 Infant School 1 Nursery school Pre-school