King Tutankhamen (King Tut) By: Theresa
Who was King Tutankhamen? King Tutankhamen is commonly known as “King Tut”. He is quite possibly the most famous pharaoh of the New Kingdom as well as being counted as 1 of archeology’s greatest discoveries. King Tut was buiried in the Valley of the Kings
King Tut, Family, and Birth the grandson of Amenhotep the third born to Amenhotep the fourth. He was the 11th or 12th child of Amenhotep Born before the Golden Age of Egypt Name “Tutankhamen” means “living image of Aten”
The Life of the Boy King King Tut had a very short life. Was cared for by Maya, his maid Had spinal disease He was only 8 or 9 when he became king Was married to his half-sister and had 2 girls
The Life of the Boy King(continued) King Tutankhamen was thought to be murdered by one of his trusted officials because his skull was smashed in Died in mid-January,1343 B.C. The picture to the right is King Tut’s death mask
Why was King Tut so Famous? King Tut was found by Howard Carter and Lord Carnarvon on November 4th,1922 . Carter had been looking for Tut for almost 5 years before finding the entrance of his tomb!
This picture shows Carter and Lord Carnarvon at the entrance to the tomb.
King Tut’s Tomb’s Robbery King Tut’s tomb was only robbed once, shortly after he died King Tut’s tomb was almost in perfect condition Everything that was taken was soon replaced
This is a rough image of King Tut’s tomb and how the tomb robbers were able to get into it.
King Tut’s Tomb’s Robbery(continued) The 1st room in the tomb was fake It had a hidden door that lead to the burial chamber The picture to the right is part of the inside of King Tut’s tomb after the robbery
King Tut in the Sarcophagus King Tut was glued to the bottom of his sarcophagus King Tut is being examined by Howard Carter at the right King Tut was Encased by 3 coffins
References Tutankhamen, the Mystery of the Boy King by: Zahi Hawass