Russia’s Communist Revolution 1917
Before World War I, Russia was ruled by a rich autocrat named Czar Nicholas II.
Nicolas II Nicholas II failed to solve Russia’s political, economic and social problems
Nicolas II and Alexandra Nicholas leaves Russia Why? Left in the hands of his wife Alexandra Why is this a problem?
Some people believed that the Czar’s wife Alexandra was a German Spy.
She was under the influence of the crazy Siberian monk Rasputin.
More about Rasputin He was considered an outcast by society, but was taken on by the Czar’s family as a “holy man” Why did they take him in? Alleviated her son of his pain from hemophilia. Anyone who opposed Rasputin was removed from power and replaced with his friends/supporters. He and his supporters convinced the people that the Czar was bad for Russia.
He was hard to kill! The extended family of the Czar noticed the negative influence that Rasputin was having on the family, they tried to kill him Czar’s cousin plotted to assassinate him.
Shot him in the back-he escaped Shot him in the head-he didn’t die! Poisoned him Shot him in the back-he escaped Shot him in the head-he didn’t die! Beaten Threw him in the Niva river…he drowned (though there were claw marks on the bag suggesting that he didn’t die immediately) His body was buried
The people were angry! They blamed the rich, and started listening to…communists. Hammer Poor industrial workers Sickle Poor field workers, farmers.
Communists said they wanted to “steal from the rich to feed the poor.”
During WWI Germany was fighting Russia, and wanted them to quit. The Germans wanted to focus on fighting France, Britain and their new ally, America.
So, Germany sent Vladimir Lenin, a Communist (Russian man but living in exile in Germany), into Russia. Lenin’s simple message, “peace, land and bread” for all made sense to peasants.
They took over the country! During WWI Lenin started a communist political group called the Bolsheviks. They took over the country!
The Czar steps down February/March Revolution A temporary (or provisional) government takes over.
They took farmland from the rich and gave it to the poor… With the Czar out of the way, Lenin’s communist government took control of the economy! (known as the October/November Revolution) They took farmland from the rich and gave it to the poor… …took control of the banks and industry Kerensky lost control with radical WWI choices. Conservatives saw him as a supporter of liberals and lost faith, the liberals saw him as too conservative. This paved the way for Lenin. …and established an eight hour workday.
Reminder… Lenin also signed the Treaty of Brest-Litovsk which with withdraw Russia from WWI and give western lands to Germany Provisional Government (led by Kerensky) wanted an end to the war but was not willing to give into Germany’s demands and could not get Allied support that he needed. Instead focused on a defensive war Germany reacts by sending in more political dissenters (like Lenin) to support the Bolsheviks
Not everyone in Russia supported Lenin’s takeover, and a civil war started. Many people did not support withdrawing from the war. White Army had the support of the Allied troops in Russia. Trotsky led the army. Surprising that he was able to create an army that was more sucessful than the Imperial White Army. He instilled terror and a system of “ratting” out the dissenters to make sure his men were loyal.
From 1918-1920, Lenin’s “Red” Bolsheviks fought off the “Whites.” The war killed Russia’s economy and 15 million people.
Then…they killed them all Or…did they?
What about Anastasia? Legend has it that Anastasia escaped and wasn’t killed Many women have come forward claiming to be her Anna Anderson
Anna Anderson story Anna turned out to be a Polish peasant named Franziska Schanzkowska She “disappeared” at the same time a mysterious woman in Germany tried to kill herself First claimed to be another daughter-Tatiana
Continuing the Romanov mystery… In the 1990’s it was discovered that it was Alexi and Maria’s bodies were missing (not Anastasia’s) In 2007-2009 the remains of the bodies were dug up and it was discovered that all bodies were accounted for
After the Reds won, rather than share money and power as promised, Lenin’s Bolsheviks kept it for themselves.
What were some changes made to the government?
Capital moved to Moscow
They created a new flag that symbolized a union between peasants and workers
They renamed themselves the Communists.
Lenin started the New Economic Policy to try to change the economy
1922 Lenin renamed Russia the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR)
"He alone could have found the way back to the causeway "He alone could have found the way back to the causeway . . . The Russian people were left floundering in the bog. Their worst misfortune was his birth . . . their next worst his death.“ Winston Churchill
When Lenin died, an evil man killed his rivals and took control of the Communists and the country. His name was Joseph Stalin…
Answer these questions on the back of your KWL chart: 1. Describe the conditions in Russia that made it possible for the people to overthrow the Czar. 2. Compare and contrast what happened in the RR with one other revolution. 3. Describe why the monarchy fell and why the provisional government failed…compare and contrast.
http://anna-anderson. webs. com/ http://www. bbc. co