ERS-2 mission reprocessing at CTOH for continental surfaces


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Presentation transcript:

ERS-2 mission reprocessing at CTOH for continental surfaces The Center for the Topography of Oceans and the Hydrosphere (CTOH) has reprocessed the original ERS-2 waveforms (WAP data) with a new implementation of the ICE-2 retracker algorithm. The new ERS-2 product includes new altimetric corrections that make it compatible and homogenous with the ENVISAT (v2.1) mission, and is tailored for continental surfaces, but with global coverage; this product provides a baseline for ERS-2/ENVISATv2.1 continuity and long-term altimetry data analysis (1995-2010). Description of the Product DEOS's precise orbits (Rudenko et al., 2014) ICE-1 and ICE-2 retracking parameters new dry troposphere correction with ERA-INTERIM fields valid over all surfaces (Blarel and Legresy, 2013) new Doppler correction accounting for the range rate (Blarel and Legresy, 2012) empirical corrections to make ERS-2 comparable to ENVISAT-v2.1 RMS of ice-2 retracking's backscatter (top) and surface height (down) along the tracks covering continental surfaces from May 1995 to June 2003 (cycles 1 to 85), Blarel et al. (2015). The product is available on the AVISO+ web site: References: CTOH. 2015. “Dataset: Altimetric data of the ERS-2 mission”. OMP-INSU-UPS-IRD. doi:10.6096/CTOH_ERS-2_2015_01. CTOH ERS-2 Product Handbook, 2015. F. Frappart, B. Legrésy, F. Niño, F. Blarel, N. Fuller, S. Fleury, F. Birol, S. Calmant, 2016. “An ERS-2 altimetry reprocessing compatible with ENVISAT for long term land and ice sheets studies.” Remote Sensing of Environment.