Pre-College Writing: Post-Baseline Review Review your notes and check out these tutorial videos to help you prepare for the Post-Baseline Exam, which is Monday, June 8th. Good Luck!
ETHOS, PATHOS, LOGOS Here’s a quick review of the three rhetorical appeals. ======================================= Here’s a speech you can practice on. Explain William Wallace’s use of rhetorical appeals.
Terms to Know BINARY OPPOSITION -- is a pair of related terms or concepts that are opposite in meaning. Binary opposition is the system by which, in language and thought, two theoretical opposites are strictly defined and set off against one another. A light switch is either on or off; in a sports match, a team either wins or loses; water is either hot or cold; something in relation to something else can be left or right, up or down, or in or out. These are opposites - concepts that can't exist together.
Terms to Know ETHOS -- CREDIBILITY PATHOS -- EMOTION LOGOS – LOGIC; also WORDS (Also, see video clips and handouts!)
Terms to Know ANAPHORA – repetition of words or phrases at beginning of sentence or phrases. ALLITERATION – repetition of consonant sounds at beginning of words; IMPACT: produce momentum, link ideas, build up to a point IRONY – opposite of what is expected; discrepancy between what is expected and what actually happens PARALLELISM – similar structure ALLUSION – reference to something well known
Terms to Know FALLACY/LOGICAL FALLACY -- A fallacy is the use of poor, or invalid reasoning for the construction of an argument. a failure in reasoning that renders an argument invalid. faulty reasoning; misleading or unsound argument.