MESAS: Evaluation of minimum unit pricing (MUP) for alcohol


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Presentation transcript:

MESAS: Evaluation of minimum unit pricing (MUP) for alcohol MESAS: Evaluation of minimum unit pricing (MUP) for alcohol. Proposed study portfolio Updated November 2017 This presentation provides an overview of the proposed plan to evaluate MUP. There is a requirement in the minimum unit pricing (MUP) legislation to review its impact. This evaluation plan is still under development and may change.

Legislation Requirements Impact on public health, crime and disorder, public safety, public nuisance, and protecting children and young people from harm Impact on producers and license holders Impacts by gender, age, socio-economic status and drinking status where possible Views of those representing alcohol producers and license holders, and those with a function related to health, crime prevention, education, social work and children and young people are sought The MUP legislation requires that a review report is produced as soon as possible after 5 years of implementation that includes the following: Impact on the 5 licensing objectives. These are protecting and improving public health, preventing crime and disorder, securing public safety, preventing public nuisance, and protecting children and young people from harm Impact on producers and license holders Impacts by gender, age, socio-economic status and drinking status where possible Views of those representing alcohol producers and license holders, and those with a function related to health, crime prevention, education, social work and children and young people.

Evaluation Questions To what extent has implementing MUP in Scotland contributed to reducing alcohol-related harms? Are some (people and businesses) more affected (positively and negatively) than others? The overarching evaluation questions are: To what extent has implementing MUP in Scotland contributed to reducing alcohol-related harms? Are some (people and businesses) more affected (positively and negatively) than others? There are more specific evaluation questions for each of the component studies

Theory-based evaluation If there is A Theory of Change - how MUP may result in a series of outcomes; MUP implemented in a way likely to change outcomes; Evidence gathered that shows that the sequence of expected results is being realised; and Other factors influencing the outcomes have been assessed and accounted for. Then evidence that MUP is impacting Evaluating policy (such as MUP) is difficult: There is no ability to control exposure, potential impacts are numerous and various external factors may influence both delivery and outcomes. Having a good understanding of how the intervention is expected to cause change is important if impact is to be assessed. We are therefore using a theory-based approach to the evaluation of MUP whereby if there is: A Theory of Change - how MUP may result in a series of outcomes; MUP implemented in a way likely to change outcomes; Evidence gathered that shows that the sequence of expected results is being realised; and Other factors influencing the outcomes have been assessed and accounted for where possible. Then there is evidence that MUP is impacting. Within a theory-based approach, various appropriate study designs are used to collect evidence on outcomes.

Theory of change for MUP External factors: economic context, potential changes to cider duty MUP implemented Price change. No alcohol <50ppu Reduced Purchasing (in off-trade) Reduced consumption Reduced harm Compliance Social norms and Attitudes to MUP Product and marketing changes A theory of change has been developed for MUP. In order to have an impact on harms, license holders (retailers) must comply with the legislation and if this happens the price of alcohol currently sold under 50ppu must change and there will be no alcohol sold below 50ppu. It is expected that this will reduce purchasing of alcohol sold through shops and supermarkets, consumption will reduce and there will be a reduction in harms in health, crime, disorder, public safety and children and young people. These changes may impact on attitudes to MUP and social norms around drinking, and vice versa. There may be a change to alcohol products and marketing (e.g. reduced strength). The alcohol industry may be affected. It has been suggested that some drinkers may turn to other sources of alcohol or to illicit drugs, or that there may be reduced disposable income for essentials like housing, fuel and food. Outcomes may be affected by factors other than MUP, such as potential changes to cider duty and/or the wider economic context which may change the price and affordability of alcohol. Substitution: other alcohol or drugs Displacement of spending Economic impact on alcohol industry

The Evaluation A portfolio of MESAS studies that are feasible, robust, necessary, sufficient and proportionate to fulfil the requirements of legislation. + Researchers applying for other grant funding to answer other important questions The evaluation as a whole will consist of: A portfolio of MESAS studies that are feasible, robust, necessary, sufficient and proportionate to fulfil the requirements of legislation. + Researchers applying for other grant funding to answer other important questions. At the moment there is one grant-funded study. The University of Glasgow has been funded by the National Institute of Health Research to assess some of the impacts and unintended consequences of MUP. This is referred to as UoG NIHR study in subsequent slides

Theory of Change: showing the potential studies Routine data (health, crime, children), Harmful drinkers UoG NIHR study, SHeS, Alcohol sales, Alcovision, Harmful drinkers UoG NIHR study Small retailers Supermarket prices, Price distribution Licensing data, LSO data UoG NIHR study Alcohol sales Price change. No alcohol <50ppu Reduced Purchasing (in off-trade) Reduced consumption Reduced harm Compliance Small retailers, Supermarket prices Social norms Attitudes to MUP Product and marketing changes Social Attitudes Survey UoG NIHR Study Small retailers, Supermarket prices, Case studies, Alcohol sales, Routine data We have developed a portfolio of studies to evidence the various outcomes in the theory of change. In addition to the studies carried out and commissioned through MESAS, we are supporting applications for grant funding Harmful drinkers, UoG NIHR study Grant funding being sought. Harmful drinkers Substitution: other alcohol or drugs Economic impact on alcohol industry Displacement of spending

Proposed portfolio to date Licensing and LSO data Observational study of small retailers (Commissioned. Led by University of Stirling) Weekly average price data of alcoholic products sold by ‘grocery multiple’ retailers Alcohol sales and price distribution Analysis of self report data on consumption Harmful drinkers study (Commissioned. Led by University of Sheffield) Analyses of routine data on health, crime, public safety and public nuisance, and impacts on children & young people Qualitative study on consumption and related behaviour in those under 18 years Questions in Scottish Social Attitudes Survey Economic impact case studies and routine data Household expenditure (if grant funding approved) University of Glasgow NIHR funded study Engage with stakeholders throughout. Portfolio may be refined There are currently 11 broad areas of study: Licensing and LSO data Observational study of small retailers (currently being commissioned) Weekly average price data of alcoholic products sold by ‘grocery multiple’ retailers (supermarkets) Alcohol sales and price distribution Analysis of self report data on consumption Harmful drinkers study (Commissioned – led by University of Sheffield) Analyses of routine data on health, crime, public safety and public nuisance, and impacts on children & young people Qualitative study on consumption and related behaviour in those under 18 years (currently being commissioned) Questions in Scottish Social Attitudes Survey Economic impact case studies and routine data Household expenditure NIHR funded MRC study Engage with stakeholders throughout to ensure views are represented. These will be refined as the detail of the portfolio is developed.

Compliance + availability <50ppu To what extent has MUP been complied with? How does price and price distribution change, and is this different to England? How have different drink types been affected? To assess compliance and availability of alcohol under 50ppu, the evaluation questions are: To what extent has MUP been complied with? How does price and price distribution change, and is this different to England? How have different drink types been affected? We are looking to use routine licensing statistics and any data which may be available from Licensing Standards Officers (LSOs). We are looking to obtain more frequent price distribution data from the off-trade retailers (especially supermarkets). These data show the amount of alcohol sold in 5p price bands We will also have data on prices of alcohol products sold through the supermarkets We have commissioned the University of Stirling to lead a study of the impacts in small retailers. This will use both qualitative and quantitative data. The University of Glasgow NIHR study will include interviews (in the study areas) with people involved in compliance such as Licensing Standards Officers

Purchasing and Consumption How does sales of alcohol change post MUP (on and off-trade)? What impact does MUP have on population and self-reported consumption? Are some groups more or less affected than others? What is the impact on the prevalence of hazardous and harmful drinking? To assess purchasing and consumption the evaluation questions are: How does sales of alcohol change post MUP (on and off-trade)? What impact does MUP have on population and self-reported consumption? Are some groups more or less affected than others? What is the impact on the prevalence of hazardous and harmful drinking? We will continue to use alcohol sales data to assess population consumption, with analysis by market sector (on or off-trade) and by drink type as well as in total. We will report self-reported consumption data, for example, the Scottish Health Survey. Some researchers are applying for grant funding to collect additional self-reported data. We have commissioned the University of Sheffield to lead a study on the impact on harmful drinkers. Using qualitative and quantitative data collection, this study will look at the impact of MUP on consumption, as well as on a range of outcomes. The University of Glasgow NIHR study will collect data on prevalence of harmful and hazardous drinking in their study settings. (emergency departments and sexual health services) They will do this using the Fast Alcohol Screening Tool (FAST). There will also be some qualitative data collection with young adult binge drinkers (18-24 years) and older heavy drinkers (30+ years) in 3 communities in Scotland,

Alcohol-related harm What is the impact on health, crime, public safety and nuisance outcomes? Are these impacts differentially patterned? What is the impact on harm experienced by children and young people? To assess impact on alcohol related harms the evaluation questions are: What is the impact on health/crime, public safety and nuisance outcomes? Are these impacts differentially patterned? What is the impact on harm experienced by children and young people? Are these impacts differentially patterned? We are looking to use routine data and data obtained by other studies in this portfolio to answer these questions. We are working to develop the detail on the data and analysis proposed. The University of Glasgow NIHR study includes and audit of attendances at emergency departments to assess any changes post MUP

Attitudes What impact does MUP have on attitudes to alcohol, to MUP and perception of harm caused by alcohol? To assess impact on attitudes we are looking to repeat the questions previously asked in the Scottish Social Attitudes Survey on support (or not) for MUP and reasons for that view. The University of Glasgow NIHR study includes qualitative focus groups with young adult binge drinkers (18-24yrs) and older heavy drinkers (30+yrs) as well as key informant interviews. These will cover attitudes around alcohol, drinking and MUP

Economic Impact What affect has MUP had on the alcohol industry? How do products, price distribution and marketing change? How do output, revenues, profitability and employment change and are there differences across sectors? Does displacement of spending on food and other products important to health occur and if so are these effects differentially patterned? To assess the economic impact the evaluation questions are: What affect has MUP had on the alcohol industry? How do products change, price distribution and marketing change? How do output, profitability and employment change and are there differences across sectors? Does displacement of spending on food, energy and housing occur and if so is it differentially patterned? The price, sales and small retailers study will provide important data to help answer these questions. We are planning to commission a study to supplement this. We think this is likely to be using a case study approach and analysis of routine data although this will be dependant on the successful contractor. We are supporting a researcher to apply for grant funding to look at the impact of MUP on household expenditure.

Substitution and external factors Do drinkers substitute with other sources of alcohol or drugs post MUP? Have external factors driven trends in alcohol consumption and harms? To assess the extent of substitution we will use data from the harmful drinkers study, the qualitative study of those under the age of 18 and from the NIHR-funded study. Other researchers are applying for grant funding which will also contribute to this. It will be important to consider how factors other than MUP are impacting on outcomes, and this will be incorporated throughout the portfolio. The University of Glasgow NIHR study will provide data on source of alcohol (including on-line and purchase from elsewhere in UK) and substitution to illicit drugs through the survey in sexual health services and the qualitative focus groups and key informant interviews

Comp Price Subs Purch C’sump Harm Att’s P + M H’hold Econ This table shows how the various studies contribute to assessing the outcomes in the logic model

Consultation with stakeholders There will be engagement with key stakeholder representatives from producers and license holders, LSOs, health, crime, education, social work and children and young people throughout the process – e.g. on Evaluation Advisory groups, as participants in studies. We are exploring and developing ways to engage and consult with representatives of stakeholders throughout the portfolio.