Carbonear Academy Curriculum Night 2013-2014
Staffing Information 1.5 Administration 5 Special Education teachers 1 Guidance Counselor 31.5 teachers
Support staff 1 Secretary 3 Custodians 5 Students Assistants
Student Enrollment Kindergarten : 46 Grade 5 : 46 Grade 1 : 65 Total : 460
Programs Provincial Curriculum K-8 Core French Grades 3-8 Intensive Core French Grade 6 Late French Immersion Grades 7-8 Numerous extra curricular activities
Eastern School District Bussing Policy Students are assigned one seat on a bus to their civic address only. If you wish your child to ride on a continuously scheduled basis to a different address you must fill out a courtesy bussing application. If there is space on the bus, your child will be permitted to avail of the courtesy route. Students may not switch buses, catch the bus to a friends house or get on any bus other than where they are assigned. If parents need transportation for their child to a second address for a particular day or reason, they must arrange it themselves , children may not switch buses.
Student drop off/ pick up Students being dropped off have to be dropped at the front of the school. There is no parking in the drop zone. Parents who wish to accompany their students inside must park across the street. The road behind the school is for buses only. Parents picking up students during the day, must be buzzed into the office and wait there while your child comes to the office, parents are not permitted to go to the classes or walk through the building. At the end of the day all parents picking up students must wait in the porch until we release the children, this is both to keep down on congestion in the foyer and confusion while loading buses.
Canteen services Our canteen provider is Harbour Breeze Catering they offer both recess and lunch. Students in grades 1-5 have to pre-order lunch, junior high students do not have to pre-order but it is recommended. It can be ordered either daily or weekly. Harbour Breeze follows the Eastern School District nutritional policy. Students will not have the use of microwaves during recess or lunch times.
Carbonear Academy Logo
Allergies Nuts Fish Kiwi Scents Smoke free
Discipline Grades 6-8 The process for K-5 will also be used in the junior high grades however breaches of discipline will result in demerit points and shall be recorded at the Main Office. For each demerit point, there will be a reprimand or counseling as required and, in specific cases, parental contact will be necessary. After 5 demerit points, detention will result and parents/guardians will be informed. In school suspension may result if the problem persists. After 10 demerit points, out of school suspension will result. A parent conference will be required. Demerit points will be given by the administration only. Any students who have accumulated demerit points may have them deducted at a rate of 1 per month for each month that no office referrals occur.
Reporting Dates November 26th : First term report card will be sent out to parents November 28th : Parent -Teacher interviews will take place Dates for second term have yet to be determined.
Volunteers needed Breakfast Program Field Trips Sports Day Fundraising School Council Book Fairs Swim & Skating Programs Christmas Dinner Blue forms were sent home asking parents/guardians to sign-up for volunteering. Should you require another, we have copies! Volunteers will be needed throughout the year for various events and ongoing initiatives. If you are able to help out please pass your name along to the office.
Miscellaneous Information The school doors open at 8:35, no one will be permitted in the building before this time. Homeroom begins at 8:45, classes begin at 8:55. Students who leave school for appointments or any reason have to be signed in and out at the office. No students will be permitted to leave school property during lunch, unless they are being picked up by a parent and signed out at the office. The only exception to this is for students who may be walking home for lunch – a note must be provided by the parents on days the student is going home. Please ensure that your children are picked up promptly from their after school programs.
Junior High Rules Students are not permitted to... …take pictures or videos on their phones/tablets while in school …enter the “No Go Zone” (teacher’s area, such as desk, computer, filing cabinets, etc.) …to play music out loud from their iPods or phones (if students want to listen to their music it can only be done using their own earphones/ear buds)