CHAPTER 20 NEW CHAPTER Earth, Moon, and Sun the BIG idea Earth and the Moon move in predictable ways as they orbit the Sun. 20.1 Earth rotates on a tilted axis and orbits the Sun. 20.2 The Moon is Earth’s natural satellite. 20.3 Positions of the Sun and Moon affect Earth. CHAPTER OUTLINE CHAPTER RESOURCES
Earth rotates on a tilted axis and orbits the Sun. 20.1 Earth rotates on a tilted axis and orbits the Sun. Earth’s rotation in sunlight causes day and night. The changing angles of sunlight on Earth cause seasons. axis of rotation revolution season equinox solstice CHAPTER RESOURCES SECTION OUTLINE
Earth rotates on a tilted axis and orbits the Sun. 20.1 Earth rotates on a tilted axis and orbits the Sun. axis of rotation 1. Where would the lengths of daylight change the most during the year? revolution season equinox solstice VISUALIZATION Find out how sunlight affects the temperature in different places at different times of year. CLASSZONE.COM CHAPTER RESOURCES SECTION OUTLINE
The Moon is Earth’s natural satellite. 20.2 The Moon is Earth’s natural satellite. The Moon’s near side always faces Earth because the moon rotates on its axis and orbits the Earth in the same amount of time. mare Dark-colored maria formed from lava-filled craters. Light-colored highlands are old and cratered. CHAPTER RESOURCES SECTION OUTLINE
The Moon is Earth’s natural satellite. 20.2 The Moon is Earth’s natural satellite. The Moon’s near side always faces Earth. mare The Moon has layers. crust mantle core CHAPTER RESOURCES SECTION OUTLINE
Positions of the Sun and Moon affect Earth. 20.3 Positions of the Sun and Moon affect Earth. Lunar phases are different views of the Moon’s sunlit half. eclipse umbra Moon Earth penumbra VISUALIZATION CLASSZONE.COM Explore lunar phases. New Moon 1st Quarter Full Moon 3rd Quarter CHAPTER RESOURCES SECTION OUTLINE
Positions of the Sun and Moon affect Earth. 20.3 Positions of the Sun and Moon affect Earth. Shadows cause eclipses. umbra penumbra eclipse umbra penumbra CHAPTER RESOURCES SECTION OUTLINE
Positions of the Sun and Moon affect Earth. 20.3 Positions of the Sun and Moon affect Earth. The Moon’s gravity causes tides as Earth turns. It produces two bulges of water twice in a little more than 24 hours. eclipse umbra penumbra Moon low tide High tide rotation of Earth CHAPTER RESOURCES Bay of Fundy video clip SECTION OUTLINE
20.1 Earth rotates on a tilted axis and orbits the Sun. I. Earth rotates on a tilted axis and orbits the Sun. axis of rotation A. Earth’s rotation causes day and night. revolution B. Earth’s tilted axis and orbit cause seasons. season equinox 1. Seasonal Patterns solstice 2. Angles of Sunlight 3. Lengths of Days CHAPTER RESOURCES KEY CONCEPT SUMMARY
The Moon is Earth’s natural satellite. 20.2 The Moon is Earth’s natural satellite. II. The Moon is Earth’s natural satellite. mare A. The Moon rotates as it orbits Earth. B. The Moon’s craters show its history. 1. Craters and Maria 2. Moon Rocks C. The Moon has layers. 1. Structure 2. Formation CHAPTER RESOURCES KEY CONCEPT SUMMARY
Positions of the Sun and Moon affect Earth. 20.3 Positions of the Sun and Moon affect Earth. III. Positions of the Sun and Moon affect Earth. eclipse A. Phases are different views of the Moon’s sunlit half. umbra 1. Waxing Moon penumbra 2. Waning Moon 3. Crescent and Gibbous Moons B. Shadows in space cause eclipses. 1. Lunar Eclipses 2. Solar Eclipses C. The Moon’s gravity causes tides on Earth. CHAPTER RESOURCES KEY CONCEPT SUMMARY
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