Revelation Part 2 Lesson 9
Revelation 11 Rev. 10:11 Prophesy again Measure: The earthly temple, altar and worshippers Do NOT measure: The Temple Court Why? The nations will tread/trample the holy city Jerusalem for 42 months Two Witnesses: Given authority to prophesy for 1,260 days Are 2 olive trees Are 2 lampstands Stand before the Lord of the earth
Two Witnesses Fire from their mouths kills enemies Turn waters into blood Strike the earth with plagues at will No rain during the 3 ½ years of prophesying No one is able to harm or kill them UNTIL Beast makes war against them Kills them “Those who dwell on earth” rejoice in their deaths Whole earth sees their dead bodies in Jerusalem Jerusalem: mystically called Sodom and Egypt, where their Lord was crucified
Two Witnesses God raises them and takes them to heaven while everyone watches In the same hour there is an earthquake 1/10 of the city falls 7,000 die The rest in Jerusalem glorify God This is the end of the 2nd woe and 6th trumpet 7th Trumpet The Kingdom of the world becomes the kingdom of God and His Christ He will reign forever
7th Trumpet 24 elders worship and say: God HAS BEGUN to reign The nations are enraged God’s wrath comes Time to: 1. Judge the dead 2. Reward His servants 3. Destroy those who destroy the earth Heavenly temple is opened Ark of the Covenant appears Lightning, sounds/rumblings, thunder, earthquake and hailstorm
Revelation 12 AFTER the 7th trumpet sounds: 2 signs in heaven: Woman Great Red Dragon Woman gives birth to a male child who is to rule the nations with a rod of iron: Jesus Christ Devil tries to destroy Him, but can’t War in heaven between Satan and his angels and Michael and his angels. Salvation, power, the kingdom of God, authority of His Christ HAVE COME (vs. 10) because… The devil has been thrown down
3rd Woe 7th Trumpet The devil and his angels are thrown to earth They persecute the woman who flees to the wilderness for 1,260 days or 3 ½ years The devil sends a flood to destroy the woman The earth helps her because God is in control and protects her The devil makes war with the rest of her children Those who keep God’s commands and hold to Jesus
Revelation 13 The devil empowers a beast with HIS power, throne and authority for 42 months over ALL nations This beast has a fatal wound on one of his 7 heads Fatal wound is healed….. 2nd Beast deceives “those who dwell on the earth” 2nd Beast makes them worship the first beast Whole earth is amazed “Who is able to wage war with him?” 11:7 “He wars with and overcomes the saints” All are forced to take his mark in order to buy and sell Mark goes on their forehead or right hand The Mark is the number of a man: 666
Revelation 14 144,000 of Israel have the seal of God on their foreheads They were purchased from the earth They are first fruits to God (more harvest to come) They follow the Lamb wherever He goes They are now in heaven: in Chapter 7 they were on earth 1st Angel: Preaches the gospel to “those who live on the earth” 2nd Angel: Proclaims Babylon has fallen 3rd Angel: Those who took the mark face wrath in full strength
Revelation 14 4th Angel: Calls from out of the temple, “The hour to reap has come.” 5th Angel: Comes out of the temple, and has a sickle 6th Angel: Comes from the altar, tells the 5th angel to reap the earth, then casts the grapes into the wine press of God’s wrath and blood comes out
Revelation 15 3rd Sign in heaven Rev. 11:19 “The temple in heaven was opened” at the 7th trumpet Rev. 15:5 “The temple of the tabernacle of testimony in heaven was opened” The bowls of God’s wrath come from His temple in heaven He is holy His judgments are righteous Those who are victorious over the beast and do NOT take his mark, sing the song of Moses These are saints
Revelation 16 ALL 7 bowls/plagues contain God’s wrath They FINISH His wrath Dragon, Beast and False Prophet: unholy trinity The false prophet IS the 2nd beast who deceives the earth with signs Three unclean spirits, like frogs: demons come out of the mouth of the Dragon, Beast and False Prophet and gather the kings of the world at the 6th bowl for a battle at Har-Magedon/Armageddon 16:19 mentions cities: “The great city” (11:8….Jerusalem?) The cities of nations Babylon the great