Using Mobile Technology to support MOHS in Sierra Leone. RapidPro Using Mobile Technology to support MOHS in Sierra Leone. Please use the font CALIBRI for all text on presentation.
MOHS & RapidPro RapidPro is an open-source SMS-based framework that manages data collection and group coordination using basic mobile phones and existing mobile operator networks. RapidPro is being transitioned to the MOHS and can support effective and efficient real-time communications between health workers and the MOHS. RapidPro can extend and enhance core health information systems, in terms of communication, planning and management for the health workforce.
MoHS Frontline Workers. How RapidPro works MoHS design and receive the reports. SMS free to users on Africell or Airtel Networks. RapidPro Platform SMS Voice USSD PHU & MoHS Frontline Workers. Analyze Data Manage Workflows E-mail SMS
How can we use RapidPro? SMS are sent to/from basic mobile phones to push information, do quick surveys, capture data/reports, track inventory or activities. RapidPro can be used by both MOHS users and its development partners to communicate with frontline health workers. Improved communication helps motivate health workers and increase productivity.
What are the advantages? All RapidPro text messages come from the official MoHS shortcode number 8640 Can be sent/received on both Airtel or Africell Can be used on existing mobile phone networks and with all phone handsets. (health workers use own phones) Free SMS - no need to have units or top up. Information is received & analyzed in real time allowing rapid response/corrective action Potential Interactive Voice Response (IVR) capability activation; allowing voice messages to be accessed by health workers for: Virtual Training Decision Support Systems Patient monitoring and support Automated alerts and reminders Resources and information
Who has used it recently? NMCP Real-time monitoring of long-lasting insecticide treated net (LLIN) distribution in WA during the national malaria bed net mass distribution campaign, allowing NMCP promptly identify and address distribution challenges. DPPI PHU readiness for SARA Rapid assessment of the key challenges encountered by frontline health workers, to inform recommendations and strategies in new National Health Sector Strategic Plan (NHSSP). DHRH Providing information on leave application processes to health workers NAS: HIV commodities and supplies monitoring in 20 hospitals
Who has used it recently? Regent Mudslide Emergency Response - HED and DFN Collected daily reports from community health workers (CHWs) on household visits , suspected cholera cases as well as nutritional status of children screened, identified and referred to OTP for severe malnutrition DPHC: CHW training verification, monitoring availability of CHW job aids; Validating activities carried out at community level; Collecting data on the existence and functionality of Facility Management Committees (FMCs). Verifying CHWs registration on Orange mobile money for incentives payments DDMS: Assessment of preparedness for Free Health Care (FHC) drugs and commodities distribution from DDMS to District Medical Stores (DMS).
Using RapidPro to support your activity/program Step 1: What do you want to use the platform to achieve? Data collection, information sharing, verification of information, monitoring or tracking supplies distribution? Step 2: Who is your target audience? DHMT staff, PHU-in-charges, CHWs, other individuals? Step 3: How will you use the information? You’re providing information and will track numbers reached? It will inform policy, strategy, planning process? Will you need to carry out any interventions based on this information (corrective actions, modifications or changes to your implementation approach)?
Using RapidPro to support your activity/program Step 4: Who will execute actions based on the information received? Do you need to set up a response team? Do you need to carry out secondary analysis and /or forward the information to some else for action? Who will be responsible for monitoring the corrective actions/changes made? Do you need follow up support to monitor the effects of your interventions? Have you put in place a mechanism to execute the required actions? Step 5: Send in your request to the RapidPro team Draft the questions - Keep questions short and simple, try to limit the number of questions (to avoid response fatigue) Submit a request form to the RapidPro team. Step 6: Document and share your “use case”
RapidPro Use Case Request Form and Flowchart Use case requests can be made, using the RapidPro use case request form, which can be downloaded from the MOHS website: [MOHS website or Portal link] RapidPro Use case request form.docx The flowchart outlines actions that occur following a request to deploy a RapidPro use case: Insert link to RapidPro engagement flowchart
RapidPro Demo Experience the system. Take out your phones and lets send a text message to the number 8640, on Africell or Orange, its FREE!. Demo Q2 - To report a HIV stockout please REPLY with your 8 digit MoHS FACILITY ID number. (reply with 999 if ID is unknown). Q3/4 - Which item is Stocked out? REPLY 1-TESTING, 2-PMTCT, 3-ART(Adult) or 4-ART(Paed) Q5 - For TESTING what item is stockout? REPLY 1-Determine, 2-Bioline, 3- Unigold or 4-DBS Card Q6 - Thanks. We have noted ur stockout report of @flow.hiv_stckout_testing.category. Do you have any other stockout items to report? REPLY 1-Yes or 2-No Create an SMS/text message with the trigger word Demo and send to 8640. Then just answer the questions…..
Thank you for your attention If you’d like to know more, please contact: MOHS – Abdul Konomanyi: UNICEF – Shane O’Connor :