Capacity Development for Inclusive CBR Muhammad Atif Sheikh Pakistan
About STEP A cross disability organization run by persons with diversified disabilities since 1997
About STEP Developing Leadership among Persons with Disabilities across the country
Lobbying and advocacy with policy makers About STEP Lobbying and advocacy with policy makers
Training corporate sector on disability equality at workplace About STEP Training corporate sector on disability equality at workplace
About STEP De-sensitization of society on charity and medical models at community level
Major Endeavors Disability Inclusive Disaster Risk Reduction is part of National DRR Plan
Major Endeavors Disability Inclusive Electoral System is part of Strategic goals of Election Commission of Pakistan
Economic empowerment of persons with disabilities Major Endeavors Economic empowerment of persons with disabilities
Empowering Women with Disabilities Major Endeavors Empowering Women with Disabilities
PPAF (Pakistan Poverty Alleviation Fund) A Specific Case PPAF (Pakistan Poverty Alleviation Fund) Cumulatively financed over 6.9 million microcredit loans, Completed 33,000 health, education, water and infrastructure projects, Conducted over 17,000 skill development and managerial training events Developed a grassroots network of over 125,000 community organizations. Coverage has simultaneously increased to include 121 districts through 127 partner organizations across all provinces and regions
Pakistan’s largest Program for the rehabilitation of persons with disabilities based on CBR approach Identification of PWDs through carpet survey Arrangements of medical camps to make their rehabilitation plans Distribution of assistive devices Skill development Ensure PWDs employment Teachers training to ensure inclusive education Awareness raising of communities for removal of social barriers
Strategic Roadmap PPAF has institutionalized the disability mainstreaming agenda within PPAF with the POs and at the community level through: Advocating the significance of this agenda amongst key stakeholders (government, donors, and the civil society organizations) A Twin track approach on one end included preparing human resources in partner organizations through training of trainers on Inclusive development coupled with disseminating advocacy material and on the other side introducing strategic interventions and orientation of decisions makers in PPAF followed by establishing a taskforce for ensuring inclusive development
Recommendations: Capacity building program need to be participatory and for all the stakeholders, from the grassroots to the management of implementing organizations Concerns and experiences of persons with disabilities should be integral dimension of the design, implementation and monitoring and evaluation of policies and programs in all political, economic and societal spheres so that disabled people benefit equally and inequality is not perpetuated.