EGI-Engage Engaging the EGI Community towards an Open Science Commons Project Overview 9/8/2018 EGI-Engage: a project overview
Digital Capabilities People Knowledge Provide solutions for Mission Provide solutions for open science, research and innovation by federating Digital Capabilities People Knowledge 9/8/2018 EGI-Engage: a project overview
EGI-Engage Open Science Commons 8 M Euro 1169 PMs 42 Beneficiaries Researchers from all disciplines have easy, integrated and open access to the advanced digital services, scientific instruments, data, knowledge and expertise they need to collaborate to achieve excellence in science, research and innovation. Scientific Instruments Data Commons E-infrastr. Commons Knowledge Commons 30 Months 8 M Euro 1169 PMs 42 Beneficiaries EGI-Engage 9/8/2018 EGI-Engage: a project overview 3
EGI-Engage: a project overview Project structure NA1: Project management NA2: Policy and communications JRA1: AAI and operational tools development JRA2: Data platform, Federated cloud, e-infrastructure integration, GPGPU integration SA1: Evolve EGI Operations, deploy new platforms SA2: Competence Centers, enable the RIs use cases in the EGI infrastructure 9/8/2018 EGI-Engage: a project overview
The shifts of EGI-Engage: user engagement User-centric approach, 39% of project effort for user-driven developments and integration, community engagement User-driven co-development of federated HTC and cloud infrastructure with the support of 7 RIs on the ESFRI roadmap Multiple user groups long tail ad hoc services and policies Research Infrastructures Industry/SMEs Data as a service On-demand VREs (data products for information as a service) Scientific software as a service 9/8/2018 EGI-Engage: a project overview
The shifts of EGI-Engage: Distributed Competence Centre BBMRI: data and compute infrastructure that will allow a biobank federation for the storage of big data, parallel data analysis (EGI/EUDAT pilot) DARIAH: federated cloud storage for high availability of data exploitation, science gateway (grid&cloud), real-time search application EISCAT_3D: archiving and processing of data (joint EGI/EUDAT pilot) ELIXIR: enable a federated data analysis infrastructure for representative use cases EPOS: AAI, IaaS/PaaS/SaaS federated cloud services for data exploitation Structural biology/INSTRUCT: computation services for big data LifeWatch: Processing tools for biodiversity data, depositing of citizen scientist data, on demand virtual laboratories in the federated cloud Disaster Mitigation: Enable applications from this domain on DCIs and facilitate access through gateways 9/8/2018 EGI-Engage: a project overview
The shifts of EGI-Engage: Services for the federation Evolution of the AAI infrastructure and security operations infrastructure Technical evolution of the tools for federation including accounting, monitoring, resource allocation, operations tools Integration with infrastructure for PID registration and resolution Extending the current operational tools to evolve the support for cloud resources; Evolve tools to become able to serve any Research Infrastructure: Deployment of the tools in other infrastructure during EGI-Engage Introduce new tools as the Service Catalogue and Marketplace 9/8/2018 EGI-Engage: a project overview
The shifts of EGI-Engage: From IaaS to PaaS and SaaS Development of new cloud solutions From IaaS to community-managed and/or EGI-managed PaaS Federated secure cloud storage Data as a service Scalable access to “active” archives, no more separation between data and computing 9/8/2018 EGI-Engage: a project overview
The shifts of EGI-Engage: New platforms Federated services for education (supported by the federated cloud) Infrastructure for citizen science Federated GPGPU infrastructure Virtual appliance library On-demand VREs 9/8/2018 EGI-Engage: a project overview
The shifts of EGI-Engage: Business models From federation of community services to Pay for use Free at point of use SLAs in a federated environment Cross-border procurement of public services Big data exploitation in various selected sectors 9/8/2018 EGI-Engage: a project overview
The shifts of EGI-Engage: Federating knowledge 9/8/2018 EGI-Engage: a project overview
Outputs: Services and Solutions Full EGI Service portfolio will provide a detailed cost model, the solutions will be improved and adapted to specific target groups according to new requirements (e.g. long-tail, SMEs). A service marketplace prototype will be provided for billing and on-demand pay-for-use provisioning 9/8/2018 EGI-Engage: a project overview
Outputs: EGI and ESFRI business models A market of service providers and consumers will be established, the pay-for-use business model and its supporting tools for accounting and billing will be in place, the SLA and contract framework will be implemented and the service providers with the right legal conditions will successfully adopt it; There will be a better understanding of the opportunities and barriers for cross-border procurements of e-Infrastructure services by RIs A new EGI governance framework suitable to support new business models will be identified and evaluated by the EGI Council for adoption 9/8/2018 EGI-Engage: a project overview
Outputs: open data platform Federated services supporting the whole data-cycle will be prototyped to provide a solution for open data publishing, use and reuse of data. The solution will integrate data and computing services into one offer. 9/8/2018 EGI-Engage: a project overview
Outputs: AAI evolution Tight collaboration with the AARC project Dedicated effort in EGI-Engage to implement the AAI infrastructure designed in AARC The target is enable distributed collaboration over diverse AuthN/Z technologies Distributed authentication: IdP Federations integration Distributed authorization: Attribute Authorities federation Technology interoperability: token translations 9/8/2018 EGI-Engage: a project overview
Outputs: Cloud IaaS. PaaS and SaaS A unified user interface will allow users to migrate their virtual machines among different cloud providers. The EGI tools will operate IaaS, PaaS and SaaS federated services Enabling services for 7 European RIs on the ESFRI roadmap 9/8/2018 EGI-Engage: a project overview
Main impact on the production infrastructure JRA1 Evolution of the operational tools See Diego’s presentation JRA2 Evolution of the federated cloud Data platform SA1 Evolution of the security SA2 Requirements from the CCs 9/8/2018 EGI-Engage: a project overview
EGI-Engage: a project overview Collaborations EUDAT2020 4 pilot activities for the interoperability of technical services BBMRI EISCAT-3D ELIXIR ICOS Indigo Datacloud technology provisioning, user and service provider requirements gathering AARC federated IdM adoption (policies, services, requirements) 9/8/2018 EGI-Engage: a project overview