Quantum Chemistry and Symmetry concepts Open Education Resource Work done as part of AICTE approved FDP on Use of ICT in Education for Online and Blended Learning RC1006_Team7 Cindrella Louis NIT, Tiruchirappalli, 2016. OER Submission by NIT, Tiruchirappalli, is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. You are free to use, distribute and modify it, including for commercial purposes, provided you acknowledge the source and share-alike. To view a copy of this license, visit http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/
Open Education Resource: Quantum Chemistry and Symmetry concepts Table of Contents Section Details Page No 1. Open Education Resource: Quantum Chemistry and Symmetry concepts About the OER 1 Learning Objectives 1 Documentation for Tool Use 2 2. Design Decisions 3 Nature of Decisions taken 3 3. OER Description 4 Active OER 4 Screenshots 5-7 4. Evaluating Effectiveness of OER 8 Effectiveness at the student level 8 Effectiveness at consumer level 8 5. Consolidated Log of Work 9 6. Building a Community of MOODLE and Flipped Classroom Adopters 10 Possible Sources for Community Building 10 Plans for Community Building 10 7. Works Cited 11 Open Education Resource: Quantum Chemistry and Symmetry concepts
Open Education Resource: Quantum Chemistry and Symmetry concepts Section 1: Open Education Resource - Quantum Chemistry and Symmetry concepts About the OER The open education resource is a collection of Lessons to understand Quantum chemistry and symmetry properties of molecules. There are four lessons as part of this OER, and they are: 1.Failure of classical mechanics, 2. Quantum mechanics, 3. Photoelectric effect, 4. Symmetry elements and their applications OER is downloadable from: https://youtu.be/FZJdg3pWMMU -Failure of classical mechanics https://youtu.be/uMlF-lPFsrc - Application of solutions of Schrodinger wavefunctions https://youtu.be/BZ4ThE4ZUls - Photoelectric effect https://youtu.be/5U1icwlYIPc - Symmetry properties of molecules https://lcindrella.wordpress.com Target Audience: M.Sc. Chemistry Students Tags: Classical mechanics failure, Simple systems of wave mechanics, photoelectric effect, symmetry properties of molecules OER has been developed as video lectures with quizzes in MOODLE This resource is licensed under CC-BY-SA ver 4.0. You are free to use, distribute and modify it, including for commercial purposes, provided you acknowledge the source and share-alike. To see more details about the license visit http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/ Learning Objectives After using this OER, learner will be able to: • Understand the limitation of classical mechanics Become familiar with the applications of wave mechanics in Chemistry – As a learner and as a Teacher • Analyze the wave-particle duality of the microscopic particles and the resultant phenomena Symmetry properties of molecules. Open Education Resource: Quantum Chemistry and Symmetry concepts
Open Education Resource: Quantum Chemistry and Symmetry concepts Tools used [1] For design and development of Lesson Activity - MOODLE (an Open Source Tool) [2] For screen casting - Screencast-O-matic (a Free Tool) [3] For Slides – MS office powerpoint (Licensed version) Open Education Resource: Quantum Chemistry and Symmetry concepts
Open Education Resource: Quantum Chemistry and Symmetry concepts Section 2: OER Design Decisions 1. Content Decision The content decisions related to: Easy understanding of quantum chemistry, its variation from classical mechanics and explanation without using mathematical equations. 2. Pedagogic Decision a. Out-of-class segment (Video lectures and lesson content uploaded in MOODLE) : Questions to be asked along with the resources – Mostly Recall and Apply level question In-Class segment ( Problem solving and creative level testing) for out of class and Create Level question for in-class b. Assessment Strategies – Multiple choice questions for out of class using MOODLE, Team-Pair-Solo strategy for in-class 3. Technology Decision a. Tool used for creating screencast – Screencast-O-matic (Out-of-Class activities) MOODLE for Out-of-Class activities and quizzes (Out-of-Class activities) MS Powerpoint for slides (In-class activities) Open Education Resource: Quantum Chemistry and Symmetry concepts
Section 3: OER Description Active OER For checking the active OER, following link can also be used. (http://egov.nitt.edu/moodle/course/view.php?id=34) Lesson Settings Screenshots 1-3 shows the general settings of a Lesson. Screenshot 1: Lesson setting in MOODLE Screenshot 2: Quiz in MOODLE Screenshot 3: Short answer question setting in MOODLE Open Education Resource: Quantum Chemistry and Symmetry concepts
Open Education Resource: Quantum Chemistry
Open Education Resource: Quantum Chemistry
Open Education Resource: Quantum Chemistry
Open Education Resource: Quantum Chemistry and Symmetry concepts Section 4: Evaluating Effectiveness of OER The OER effectiveness can be assessed at two levels: 1. At the student level 2. At the consumer level Effectiveness at the student level Number of students those who access the resource and the duration of their stay in the webpage learning. The Moodle lesson report on marks (based on their answers to MCQs). Additionally there is an option for teacher to grade short answerrs. Effectiveness at consumer level OER consumers are typically teachers and self-learners. Their feedback on Ease of Use, Concept Coverage and Concept Complexity can help in identifying the effectiveness of this OER at consumer level. Implementing Survey Every user who downloads this resource will be asked for their email address and as a follow up the survey will be sent to their email address. Survey Questions Metric: Ease of Use I found it easy to download the Lesson Activity I found the instructions to setup the Lesson Activity useful in setting the activity in my Course I was able to successfully create Lesson in my own course Concept Coverage The Lesson covers the required concepts for understanding Quantum Chemistry and symmetry of molecules Strongly Disagree to Strongly Agree (5-point Scale) Open Education Resource: Quantum Chemistry and Symmetry concepts
Section 5: Consolidated Log of Team Work The consolidated log of team work is as shown below: Activity Team Member Amount of Time Additional Logs Discussion Dr.Cindrella Louis 5 h Tool Exploration PPT Creation Screencasting and OER Documentation 7 h Uploaded in Wiki Individual Reflection (Diary Logging) OER Evaluation h Open Education Resource: Quantum Chemistry and Symmetry concepts
Section 6: Building a Community of MOODLE and Flipped Classroom Adopters Possible ways for Community Building Integrating • Teachers who are using MOODLE • Teachers who plan to use Flipped Classroom Strategies Plans for Community Building The resource is made available in the https://lcindrella.wordpress.com and it is open for all. If users wish to contact, email id and contact numbers are provided. Thus easy connectivity is ensured. Open Education Resource: Quantum Chemistry and Symmetry concepts
Open Education Resource: Quantum Chemistry and Symmetry concepts Citations: [1] Screencast-O-matic [2] MOODLE [3] MS Powerpoint 2015 Open Education Resource: Quantum Chemistry and Symmetry concepts