The evolution of electron density of laser plasmas bi-prism imaging lens imaging plane beam expander With the Normarski interferometer, we measure the plasma density of laser plasmas.
Time integrated imaging Thomson scattering x E=6J, focused on the target surface ZTe=883eV @ x=810 m ZTe=308eV@ x=810μm ZTe=1078eV @ x=810 μm E=6J, focused in front of the target surface E=2J, focused on the target surface 离焦,可能的高能电子产生机制。时间积分的谱,解谱比较困难 stray light Time-integrated Thomson scattering from ablated solid target is performed to investigate the temperature of laser plasmas under various conditions. signal from sound waves
laser beam stray light signal from electron plasma waves emission from nitrogen ions 虽然时间积分,但是气体靶,认为基本参数在测量区间是稳定的,所以可以解谱。 Time-integrated Thomson scattering from heated gas target is performed to investigate the density and temperature of laser plasmas.
signal from sound waves Time-integrated Thomson scattering from gas target is performed to investigate the density and temperature of laser plasmas.
Wollaston and Nomarski Prisms Birefringent Wollaston and/or Nomarski prisms are inserted in the optical pathway with their shear axis oriented at a 45-degree angle (northwest to southeast) to the polarizer and analyzer. The prisms are composed of two precisely ground and polished wedge-shaped slabs produced from high-grade optical quartz, a uniaxial birefringent crystal. Two quartz wedges having perpendicular orientations of the optical axis must be fabricated to produce a single Wollaston (or Nomarski) prism. The wedges are cemented together at the hypotenuse to generate an optically anisotropic compound plate where the crystallographic optical axis of the first wedge is perpendicular to the optical axis of the second wedge. Incident linearly-polarized wavefronts that enter a prism (oriented with the optical axis at a 45-degree angle to the polarized light) in the condenser aperture are divided into two separate orthogonal waves, termed the ordinary and extraordinarywave. The mutually perpendicular extraordinary and ordinary component wavefronts are coherent, have identical amplitudes (70.7 percent of the original polarized wave), and travel in the same direction through the lower half of the Wollaston prism. However, the waves propagate at different velocities, which are defined by the dielectric properties along the slow and fast axes of the lower birefringent quartz crystalline wedge. The ordinary wave proceeds through the prism along the fast axis (having a lower refractive index), while the extraordinary ray travels through the slower axis, which has a higher refractive index. In quartz, the refractive index difference between the fast and slow axes is approximately 0.6 percent, and the fast axis is oriented perpendicular to the crystallographic axis of the wedge. Therefore, the ordinary wave traverses a quartz wedge section perpendicular to the optical axis, while the extraordinary wave is oriented parallel to this axis.