THROW Pattern PUSH Pattern proximal segments in front of projectile with distal segments behind projectile sequential for v curvilinear path mostly wheel-axle all segments behind projectile pushing the projectile or load simultaneous for F rectilinear path mostly lever motions
Movement Patterns - Related Skills
Constraints: Throw/Push Continuum Mass of projectile Volume/Size of projectile Shape/Profile of projectile Target Area for projectile Strength/Power of person Skill of person
OPEN Kinetic Chain CLOSED Kinetic Chain Throw or Kick End Segment Free [e.g. hand, foot] sequential movement of body segments Jump or Push or Pull End Segment Restrained [e.g. foot, hand] simultaneous movement of body segments
Throwlike Patterns 1. Proximal Parts Move First 2. Distal Parts Lag Behind 3. Achieve either : maximum distance [ HORZ or VERT ] OR maximum velocity
2. A rotates cw while B and C lag behind Fig J.1 page 338 1. segment A is accelerated which gives L to entire system: segments A, B, and C 2. A rotates cw while B and C lag behind 3. A is THEN decelerated by muscle T 4. To conserve L, B accelerates cw THEN decelerates, C then accelerates cw
Transfer L to arm by reducing/stopping L in shoulders
End Point v due to decreasing r See FIG. J.1 on page 338 L= mk² x initial k is from axis “a” to top of segment C when segment A decelerates, the k changes to the distance from axis “b” to top of segment C when segment B decelerates, the k changes to the distance from axis “c” to top of segment C
v = r final velocity of hand or foot or implement @ release/impact determines projectile v r = d from the axis of rotation [e.g. joint] and the contact point of release/impact see FIG J.12 on page 352 with regard to r
Kinetic Link Characteristics system of linked segments with a fixed base and a free open end more massive segments @ proximal end least massive segments @ distal end initial motion caused by T applied to base T gives entire system L L= mk² x OR L = I
Sequential Motions 1. proximal/massive segments move first giving L to entire system 2. external T decelerates proximal segments 3. to conserve L, next segment, which is less massive, accelerates with rotation now occurring about a new axis and a smaller k 4. Each successive segment/link accelerates achieving than previous segment due to both m and k getting progressively smaller
Airborne Reaction Rotation See FIG 15.16 on page 514 VB spiker abducts hip and/or flexes knees to I (I = mk²) in lower extremities turntable demo
Lever Motions Wheel-Axle Flexion/Extension Protraction/Retraction Abduction/Adduction Medial/Lateral Rotate Pronate/Supinate Inversion/Eversion
Wheel-Axle Motions muscle T rotates a bone which becomes an axle the wheel is the adjacent segment positioned at an angle to the axle the wheel r (radius) is modified via flexion/extension or adduction/abduction see FIG J.6 on page 346 and FIG J.12 on page 352
THROW / PUSH for Speed and Accuracy FIG J.8 page 349 FIG J.10 page 350
Enjoy the Break No Class this Friday