Advanced Scoping for Technical Capacity Building on Small Hydropower in East Africa Project Presentation MATA, 06.07.2015, Bad Lauterberg
Project Background East Africa has a substantial small hydro potential, yet small hydro power plants are so far sporadic and isolated O&M for these plants is often underdeveloped, skilled personnel is almost non-existent Hence East African Community requested EUEI PDF to support with an advanced scoping on technical capacity building for small hydropower in East Africa Bad Lauterberg, 06.07.2015
Project Objective Carry out a gap analysis and needs assessment to provide recommendations on how to enhance technical capacities for small hydropower in East Africa, thereby: Build on existing programmes for small hydropower capacity development (with a focus on O&M) Improve coordination of small hydropower development and effective knowledge sharing among Partner States as well as different institutions (public and private) Strengthen the future function of EACREEE, the East African Centre for Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Bad Lauterberg, 06.07.2015
Project Methodology Activities (February 2015 – June 2015) Kick-off meeting Detailed desk study Inception Meeting Field visits to EAC Partner States Final workshop Stakeholders involved Governments of EAC Partner States Energy development partners Private sector Civil society Academia Organizational Structure Bad Lauterberg, 06.07.2015
Scale-up of Technical Capacity Building in East Africa Identified Gap Recommended intervention Lack of specific training programmes for O&M 1. Training of trainers 2. Specialised training for O&M Limited number of qualified hydropower experts 3. Technical hydropower experts 4. Hydropower management experts Insufficient networking opportunities 5. Dedicated internet platform 6. EAC centre of excellence for hydropower 7. International/regional study visits and exchange General knowledge on hydropower is limited 8. Visibility activities for hydropower Bad Lauterberg, 06.07.2015
Way Forward Follow-up projects will start as soon as possible to ensure adequate capacities for sector development Hand-over of final report to EAC, who will source for funding for follow-up activities EUEI PDF as honest broker, in its function as secretariat of the Africa-EU Energy Partnership (AEEP) AEEP approached Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs; committed to support activities with up to €400.000 over the next two years Funds will be channelled through the African Union Commission to the East African Community, who will be responsible to implement Bad Lauterberg, 06.07.2015
Thank you for your attention!
Operations and maintenance training Intervention1: Training of trainers Intervention2: Specialised training on operation and maintenance Nairobi, 11 June 2015
Operations and maintenance training (I) Intervention1 Training of trainers for operations and maintenance Context Many small hydropower plants will become operational in the next five years and beyond Personnel to operate and maintain these plants have to be trained Qualified trainers are needed. Description Training of trainers for 3 lecturers/teachers per country Emphasis on operations and maintenance Participants will develop curriculum to be taught in their home country Outcome Participants can teach in their parent institutions Curricula are developed for each EAC Partner State Conditions Polytechnics/schools are interested Teachers are motivated Nairobi, 11 June 2015
Operations and maintenance training (II) Intervention 1 Training of trainers for operations and maintenance Implementation / Coordination Proposed EACREEE EAC Energy Department Centre of Excellence for Hydropower Target group Teachers of polytechnics and secondary technical schools Estimated costs Investment cost 125.500,- € Monitoring EAC; indicator is the number of schools which have shown commitment in hydropower by adapting a curriculum for hydropower Impact Hydropower plants are run professionally, Downtimes are reduced Nairobi, 11 June 2015
Operations and maintenance training (III) Intervention 2 Specialised training for operations and maintenance Context Many new small hydropower plants will need qualified personnel 10 to 60 trained people per country are needed per year Description Specialised courses on operations and maintenance Emphasis on practical training directly at plants Refresher courses are offered as per market demand Outcome Designated institutions qualify hydropower technicians O & M courses (refresher courses as well) are available Conditions Institutions are interested and have demonstration equipment Teachers have gone through training of trainers Nairobi, 11 June 2015
Operations and maintenance training (IV) Intervention 2 Specialised training for operations and maintenance Implementation/ Coordination EACREEE EAC Energy Department Centre of Excellence Target group School/polytechnic leavers with electro-mechanical background O&M personnel of small hydropower plants Estimated costs Investment cost: 125.000,- € Annual running cost: 60.000,- € Monitoring EAC, indicator is the number of course participants who have successfully accomplished the courses Impact Plants are run professionally Downtimes are reduced Nairobi, 11 June 2015
Qualifying hydropower experts Intervention3 Technical hydropower experts Intervention4 Hydropower management experts Nairobi, 11 June 2015
Qualifying hydropower experts (I) Intervention 3 Technical hydropower experts Context All services around hydropower plants, starting from high quality feasibility studies to the design and construction supervision of the plants are still underdeveloped and are mainly done by external consulting firms. Description Specialised 1-3 months short-term courses on key hydropower planning, design and construction issues Strong private sector partnerships for industrial attachments Combined with existing higher education programmes Outcome Each year, 2-3 specialised courses according to market needs 10 Master‘s students within EAC with hydropower specialisation Conditions Accreditation of courses by corresponding master programmes Coordination between universities within EAC Nairobi, 11 June 2015
Qualifying hydropower experts (II) Intervention 3 Technical hydropower experts Coordination Centre of excellence EACREEE Target group Engineers / managers technical personnel in ministries and consulting firms Masters’ students of renewable energies Estimated costs Investment cost: 192.000,- € Annual running cost: 110.000,- € Monitoring EAC, indicator is the number of courses and course participants who have successfully accomplished the course Impact Hydropower plants are planned and managed professionally Nairobi, 11 June 2015
Qualifying hydropower experts (III) Intervention 4 Hydropower management experts Context Services around hydropower plants such as bankable project proposals, project management of hydropower plants and managing hydropower plants, but as well regulatory issues is not adequately covered in EAC and has to be addressed. Description Specialised 1-3 months short-term courses combined with existing MBA courses Outcome Each year, 1 specialised course according to market need 4 MBA students within EAC with hydropower management specialisation Conditions Accreditation of courses by corresponding master programmes Coordination between universities within EAC We especially include as well personnel for the regulatory agencies Nairobi, 11 June 2015
Qualifying hydropower experts (IV) Intervention 4 Hydropower management experts Coordination Centre of excellence EACREEE Target group Personnel of ministries and consulting firms, regulatory agencies, managers of small hydropower plants, MBA students Estimated costs Investment cost 74.000,- € Annual running cost 90.000,- € Monitoring EAC, indicator is the number of courses and course participants who have successfully accomplished the course Impact Hydropower plants are planned and managed professionally Nairobi, 11 June 2015
Networking hub Intervention5 Dedicated internet platform Intervention6 EAC centre of excellence for hydropower Intervention7 International/regional exchange/study visit Nairobi, 11 June 2015
Networking hub (I) Intervention 5 Dedicated internet platform Context Experiences are often not shared within EAC and have to be repeated Small hydropower lack networking opportunities Description A dedicated internet platform for small hydropower in EAC is established with multiple functions and dedicated distant learning content Outcome An exchange hub for experience and knowledge in East Africa is established Conditions Platform accessible with a multitude of devices Processes for promoting, updating and maintaining have been established Nairobi, 11 June 2015
Networking hub (II) Intervention 5 Dedicated internet platform Implementation / Coordination EACREEE Centre of Excellence Target group All professionals who are involved in any way in hydropower in East Africa Estimated costs Investment cost 56.000,- €, Annual running cost 19.000,- € Monitoring EAC, indicator is the traffic on the platform and at the different offers Impact Cooperation of and exchange between hydropower professionals Nairobi, 11 June 2015
Networking hub (III) Intervention 6 EAC centre of excellence for hydropower Context A physical centre of excellence for small hydropower to coordinate and promote small hydropower activities will underline the importance of SHP for the East African Community Description Support the establishment of an EAC centre of excellence which among others satisfies the following needs: Institution has proven experience in SHP Institution should be a centre of learning and have a hydraulic lab The centre will provide specialised courses on hydropower Outcome The centre is providing capacity building on hydropower for EAC Conditions The centre is well equipped for its task and has financing support Duplication is being avoided Nairobi, 11 June 2015
Networking hub (IV) Intervention 6 EAC centre of excellence for hydropower Coordination EACREEE EAC energy department Target group All professionals who are involved in any way with hydropower Estimated costs Investment cost 330.000,- €, Annual running cost 75.000,- € (minimum personal) Moitoring EAC, indicator is the annual activities and professionals using these activities Impact Cooperation of and exchange between hydropower professionals Nairobi, 11 June 2015
Networking hub (V) Intervention 7 International/Regional exchange and study visits Context Little exchange of knowledge and lessons learnt Between EAC Partner States With other countries in the global South With countries in the global North Description Key personal on decision-making level, technical level or management level from EAC Partner States exchange through study visits Outcome Key experts have a comprehensive picture on hydropower development in other countries Conditions Policy makers are open to engage into discussion with colleagues Engaged technical participants and experts are willing to learn and put their learning into practice at home Nairobi, 11 June 2015
Networking hub (VI) Intervention 7 International/Regional exchange/study visit Coordination EACREEE Centre of Excellence EAC energy department Target group Key personnel on energy policy level, regulatory agencies Experts with technical or management background Estimated costs Annual running cost: between 61.000,- € and 123.000,- € Monitoring EAC, indicator is the quality of the participants’ reports of the visit and/or actions implemented in the participants’ own professional environment after the visit Impact Collaboration on hydropower between EAC Partner States, South-South and South-North is improved Nairobi, 11 June 2015
Improved visibility for hydropower Intervention8 Visibility activities for hydropower Nairobi, 11 June 2015
Improved visibility for hydropower (I) Intervention 8 Visibility activities for hydropower Context Networking between practitioners and information on equipment, services, plants, policies, is limited in EAC There is a lack of information and knowledge about hydropower in the general public Description Regional symposiums and exhibitions on a rotational annual basis Could be held back-to-back for general renewable energy exhibitions Small hydropower plants will be open for the public and accept school classes Outcome One symposium or exhibition on small hydropower per year At least 2 hydropower plants are open to the public in each country Conditions Hydropower operators are interested to increase visibility Nairobi, 11 June 2015
Improved visibility for hydropower (II) Intervention 8 Visibility activities for hydropower Coordination EACREEE, EAC energy department Target group Hydropower professionals for symposia, general public for exhibition hydropower plants operators Estimated costs Investment cost: 80.000,- €, Annual running cost: 130.000,- € Monitoring EAC, indicator is the annual activities, number of visitors of the exhibitions and the plants Impact Visibility of and knowledge about hydropower is greatly improved Nairobi, 11 June 2015