Heel Spurs & Morton's Foot Tyquan Ellis ,Devon Daniels , Anthony Eleuthere
What is it Heel Spur is a related condition is plantar fasciitis. Sometimes with chronic cases of inflammation their is ossification at the site of the calcaneus.
Mortons Foot This is when the foot typically involves either a shortened. An associated condition is called morton's neuroma. This is when the nerve usually between the third and fourth metatarsal heads
Signs & Symptoms Inflammation Chronic Pain Discomfort Ossification Arthritis
Population About 80% of the population has an elevated first metatarsal Statistics say that 20-30% of the population has Morton's Toe. 38% of the population has Heel Spurs but they don't even know it.
Treatments & Prevention Medication such as Ibuprofen, Advil, Or injections of cortisone. Neuropathy Treatment pills which help affected nerves. Ways to prevent heel spurs are Orthotic devices such as shoe inserts can help take pressure off the pain
Examples Heel Spurs Morton's Foot