Let’s review for MTA Exam May 6, 2015
Which game genre do you suggest if your target audience consists of Children in the age group of 10 to 14 years? You decide the genre of the game based on the motivation and the target audience identified for the game. Example: Young children play games for fun, which enables them to learn concepts such as counting and spelling. These are educational games! Different genres of games are: Educational Action Adventure Sports Simulation Role-Playing (RPG) Fantasy Card Board
Action Games Focus on warfare. Players make rapid moves to carry out attacks on targets. Players need spontaneous and quick reactions to overcome game challenges. Examples: Shooter games and fighting games In a shooter game, you have: First-person shooter (FPS) genre: The player can view the events through the shooter character’s eye……….Halo 4! Third-person shooter (TPS) genre: The player views the events through a camera that follows the shooter character from a few feet behind…….Gunstringer In a fighting game, you have: Involves knocking the opponent unconscious or dead through different moves….Street Fighter.
Adventure Games The players solves different puzzles by interacting with the characters or the environment of the game. Examples: Myst Nick Tethers: Puzzle Agent Harry Potter Fable/Fable II Kinect Adventures Maw
Sports Simulate traditional sports, such as: Baseball Snooker Focus on the actual playing of a sport or strategy behind the sport or comedic effect or characterize real sports champions to excite the players and update to reflect real-world changes. Example: Kinect Sports: Season 2
Simulation Emulates real or fictional activities. Provides the player with a realistic analysis of the object involved in the game. The player can get a chance to fly a aircraft or vehicle as realistically as possible. Examples: Sim City Combat Flight Simulator 3
Role-Playing Game (RPG) The player plays the role of one or more characters in a predetermined storyline. Each character has skills and abilities. The player can explore and completes a quest. Examples: Lost Odyssey Fable Heroes
Fantasy Are based on a imaginary virtual world. Examples: Final fantasy Baldur’s Gate
Card Uses virtual playing cards as the main device. Uses traditional decks and apply standardized rules Example: Solitaire French Tarot
Board This game involves counters or objects moved or placed by a certain set of rules on a virtual playing board. Players use strategy, chance, or a combination of both. Example: Backgammon
What are the different types of games? Games can be of various types: Online Offline Single player Multiplayer Console PC Arcade Mobile games
Online games / Offline Games Video games available on the Internet. Players can log on to the Internet and play these games for free/cost. Offline: Video Gams that come in the form of disks (CD or DVD), memory cards, or downloaded. Can be played on PC, console, mobile.
Number of Players Single player games: Multiplayer games: Involves a single player. Plays with a preprogrammed challenges to reach the goal Have interesting storylines, impressive graphics, realistic nonplayer characteristics and opponents. Examples: The Legend of Zelda Metal Gear Solid Multiplayer games: More than one player Players cooperate and compete with each other Social communication takes place Example: Halo!
Number of players MMORPG – Massively multiplayer online role-playing game Players assume the role of the character Control many of the actions of the character Involves hundreds of players interacting with each other Virtual world persists even after the gamer has logged off. Example: The Lord of the Rings Online: Shadows of Angmar World of Warcraft Uses client-server architecture A player using the virtual world running in one server cannot access virtual world running on another server.
Which game platform is ideal for a person who travels a lot and wants entertainment during transit? Console PC Arcade Mobile Your answer is: ______________________________
What are the most common devices used with game consoles? Interactive entertainment machine, primarily used to run video games. Devices used: Controller – are handheld devices Games come in form of: CDs and DVDs Download to console thru Internet XBOX 360 Has built-in hard disk drives to store games and content downloaded from Xbox Live. Don’t forget the PlayStation3 by Sony , Wii Game Cube by Nintendo Handheld game console: Is a light weight portable device. Players can carry anywhere, and use to play a console game anytime. Examples: Nintendo 3DS Playstation Vita/PSP
Which game types are best suited for the PC platform? ??????
What are arcade games? Is a coin-operated entertainment machine found in public places such as theaters and restaurants, and amusement parks. Have more control accessories that PC or console games. Provide a form of social hangout Can be both single or multiplayer games Arcades made money on these games until 2002 and is in a decline now.
What are the types of mobile devices? Is a handheld device that includes: Cell phones, Smart phones, Tablet computers, PDAs Players can Load games on cell phone thru Bluetooth Download from internet Multiplayer games can connect thru: Infrared Bluetooth Wi-Fi Wireless LAN GPRS - 2G, 3G, CDMA wireless bans. Which game types are suitable for the different game devices? Page 13.
Can you name 3 different quests? Kill quest: Specific characters need to be killed Collection quest: The player has to collect certain objects. Target quest: The player has to reach a particular destination and deliver the goods. Remember: Quests should lead to a regard mechanic in which the player is awarded some points for being successful.
What is a suitable task mechanic for an adventure game? Give a player a to-do list to complete a quest. Example tasks for Counter Strike: If you are a terrorist, kill all the opponents from the Counter Terrorist squad. If you are a member of the Counter Terrorist squad, you need to kill the terroist and save the hostages without letting anyone harm the hostages in any way. What do you have?
What are three commonly used “how to win” mechanics? Specify the conditions under which a player can win the game. Loss avoidance: It’s the checkmates the other player’s king in the game of chess Eliminating Opponents: The players wins by killing all the monsters or enemies Logic: The player solves the puzzle or riddle Races: The first player to reach the finish line Scoring: The player accumulates score points or tokens
What are suitable goals for a fantasy game? Game goal is the collective success criteria for the tasks in the game. Can be: To successfully complete all tasks and kill the opponent without getting any fatal injuries.
That was Chapter 1! Any questions?