Status of Solenoidal Spectrometer Solenoid magnet funding Brisbane magnet Some logistics Status of detector system design Robert Page
Solenoid magnet funding Funding approved for: Brisbane magnet Power supplies Shipping Grant ends 31/3/2016
MRI magnet: Oxford OR66 4T, ActiveShield technology MRI magnet available (type OR66) Large bore of up to 90 cm diameter, ~2m long Magnet comes with power supply, cold-head and compressor, and other equipment and should be operational Installation requires cool-down (6500 litres of LHe, ramping and shimming (passive and active shimming)) Specifications:
University of Queensland, Brisbane 16th September 2015 Alan Pringle
compatible with map in manual Stray field Measurements in Brisbane were compatible with map in manual
Getting the magnet out Don Mailler
Some logistics Ship directly to CERN Initially stored & commissioned in separate area Request to be made (through Maria) to CERN-PH Area needed for period 2016 – 2017 (2 years) ??? Move to temporary location in ISOLDE Hall before 3rd beam line is installed. Move to 2nd beam line when 3rd beam line ready (Winter 2017 at earliest)
Detector system design progress Optimising design mechanical structure component layout thermal modelling physics Monte Carlos
Collaboration Meeting Daresbury 29th September 2015 Draft Agenda 1. Selection of spokesperson for this collaboration 2. Status of HIE-ISOLDE and the CERN TSR project 3. Status of UK ISOL-SRS project 4. Status of ex-MRI magnet 5. Commissioning & deployment of magnet at CERN 6. Maintenance of the magnet 7. DAQ for the HELIOS-like spectrometer 8. Exploitation of the spectrometer with HIE-ISOLDE beams from 2017 9. AOB 10. Next meeting