Simple Past and Past Progressive


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Presentation transcript:

Simple Past and Past Progressive GE Units 6-10

Simple Past Tense George Washington He was an American president. Who is this? George Washington He was an American president. He died in 1799.

Simple Past Tense Be Be He was young in 1980. Affirmative Be He was young in 1980. Regular Verbs They worked yesterday. Irregular Verbs They became famous. Negative Be He was not young in 1980. Regular Verbs They did not work yesterday. Irregular Verbs They did not become famous.

Simple Past

Complete the sentences with the simple past of the verbs in parenthesis The students _____ all the answers. (know) James ______ a car on eBay! (buy) My friend ______ the book! (not steal) Wei finally ____ his USB. (find)

Irregular Verbs (p.336-7 Appendix 1) The students knew all the answers. (know) James bought a car on eBay! (buy) My friend didn’t steal the book! (not steal) Wei finally found his USB. (find)

Past Progressive I was sleeping yesterday at 4 a.m.

Past Progressive

Past progressive - Meaning #1: The past progressive is used to describe an action that was in progress at a specific time. Examples: I was living in London in 1996. She was sleeping at 3:00am.

Past progressive - Meaning #2: The past progressive is used with two actions that happened at the same time usually used with while. For example: While I was walking to school, I was talking on the phone.

Past Progressive Meaning #3: Past progressive to explain the first action and simple past to describe the second. For example: He was eating dinner when the phone rang. She was walking to school when she saw a deer.

Past Progressive + Simple past Lady Gaga was walking when she fell. Or Lady Gaga fell while she was walking.

Practice Which event happened first? 1. I was riding my bike when I saw a deer. riding bike saw a deer

Which happened first? I was studying in the ELP when I met my friend Hassan. studying in the ELP met my friend

Which happened first? I met Deana while I was working in a restaurant.

Which happened first? She was watching TV at 4:00pm. was watching TV 4:oo pm

Which happened first? While I was walking to school, I lost my cell phone. Walking to school Lost my cell phone

Which happened first? When he came home, she was talking to her mother on the phone. came home was talking

While she was eating a chocolate cake, he asked her to marry him. Which happened first? While she was eating a chocolate cake, he asked her to marry him. was eating asked

Which happened first? I was sleeping while the children were watching TV. was sleeping were watching

Amani was sleeping while Hassan was cleaning the house. True or False? Amani helped Hassan clean the house. While Amani was sleeping, Hassan was cleaning the house. F T

It was snowing when he went to school. True or false? It started snowing after he left for school. He was late for school.  F F

Sarah was watching a movie when he arrived. True or false? He arrived, and then she started watching the movie. After he arrived, she stopped watching the movie. F T