Endocrine System ENDOCRINE GLANDS Secrete hormones directly into bloodstream Ductless EXOCRINE GLANDS – secrete substances through a duct (sweat, salivary, lacrimal and pancreas
Endocrine System Function of the Endocrine System – to secrete hormones – chemical messengers that coordinate and direct target cells and organs. What other system works with the Endocrine system to control functions of the body????? Nervous
Negative feedback
Drop in hormone level triggers a chain reaction to increase secretion Endocrine System Hormonal Control NEGATIVE FEEDBACK Drop in hormone level triggers a chain reaction to increase secretion Blood level of hormone falls Hypothalamus gets message and sends out hormone to pituitary gland Pituitary gland sends out stimulating hormones to the gland, tissues or cells Gland stimulates more hormone production When blood levels of hormone increase, the hypothalamus tells the pituitary to stop stimulating hormones
Endocrine System PITUITARY GLAND the size of a grape Connected to the hypothalamus Anterior and posterior lobes The “Master Gland”
Endocrine System Pituitary-Hypothalamus Relationship Hypothalamus is part of the nervous system It produces 2 hormones that are stored in the posterior pituitary
Endocrine System Posterior Pituitary Lobe VASOPRESSIN – converts to ADH (antidiuretic hormone) acts on kidney to preserve H2O in the body OXYTOCIN – released during childbirth causing contractions of the uterus
Anterior Pituitary Lobe Endocrine System Anterior Pituitary Lobe GROWTH HORMONE - GH responsible for growth and development PROLACTIN –production of milk after childbirth
Endocrine System THYROID-STIMULATING HORMONE – TSH - stimulates thyroxine ADRENOCORTICOTROPIC HORMONE – ACTH – stimulates adrenal cortex FOLLICLE-STIMULATING HORMONE – FSH -stimulates growth of graafian follicle and production of estrogen in females, sperm in males
Endocrine System LUTEINIZING HORMONE – LH stimulates ovulation INTERSTITIAL CELL STIMULATING HORMONE – ICSH production of testosterone in males
Endocrine System THYROID GLAND H or Butterfly-shaped mass of tissue On either side of larynx, over trachea Produces 2 hormones: Thyroxine and Calcitonin
(Thyroid Stimulating Hormone) Endocrine System THYROXINE – is controlled by the secretion of TSH (Thyroid Stimulating Hormone) Thyroxine controls the rate of ALL metabolism Speeds up or slows down body activities Helps with heat production
Where do we get out Iodine???? Endocrine System Thyroid hormones contain Iodine Where do we get out Iodine???? We get Iodine from our diets-specifically salt
What else do we need Ca+ for??? Endocrine System CALCITONIN – causes Ca+ to be absorbed by the bones 99% of Ca+ is stored in our bones Hypercalcemia: a harmful rise in blood Ca+ levels Is FATAL if not treated!!!! What else do we need Ca+ for??? coagulation nerve functioning
Endocrine System Negative Feedback: Ca+ levels in blood increase. _____ (from the pituitary) stimulates the thyroid to release ______________. ___________ causes Ca+ to be absorbed by the bone. When blood levels of Ca+ return to normal, hypothalamus tells the pituitary to stop producing ______.
Endocrine System PARATHYROID GLANDS Four glands, size of a grain of rice Attached to posterior thyroid Produces PARATHORMONE
Endocrine System Parathormone works with Calcitonin to control Ca+ blood levels When Ca+ levels in the blood decrease, Parathormone is released causing bone to release Ca+ into the blood Prevents hypocalcemia
Works under the control of ACTH Endocrine System ADRENAL GLANDS Located on top of each kidney: Outer part cortex Inner layer medulla Works under the control of ACTH
Endocrine System Adrenal cortex: secretes hormones known as corticoids Corticoids are anti-inflammatory 1. mineralocorticoids Aldosterone speeds up Na+ absorption from the kidneys
Endocrine System 2. glucocorticoids “cortisone” as in hydrocortisone Glucocorticoids help: ** increase glucose levels in the blood ** resist everyday stress **decrease inflammation ** decrease pain in injuries by inhibiting prostaglandins
Endocrine System 3. Androgens male sex hormones These are the ones abused by athletes Medulla: secretes 2 hormones --Epinephrine or adrenalin a powerful cardiac stimulant causes the Fight or Flight syndrome -- Norepinephrine antagonist to epinephrine These 2 hormones DO NOT use the negative feedback system
ISLETS OF LANGERHANS special cells in the pancreas Endocrine System PANCREAS Endocrine secretes Insulin Exocrine secretes enzymes into digestive system to help break down food ISLETS OF LANGERHANS special cells in the pancreas Beta cells produce Insulin Insulin – decreases blood glucose levels Alpha cells produce Glucagon Glucagon increases blood glucose levels
Endocrine System Pineal gland looks like a pine cone produces melatonin -located in the 3rd ventricle and is associated with the amount of light coming into the brain via the eyes Decrease light increased melatonin Increased light decreased melatonin
Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) Endocrine System Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) Called “cabin fever” “winter blues” It is the depression people feel during the dark days of winter Associated with the increased melatonin production Treatment is sunshine or ultra violent light
directly into the blood Endocrine System Thymus gland part of the lymphatic system Endocrine function secretes WBCs directly into the blood Thymus gland gets smaller as we get older WHY???? GONADS Ovary in female Testes in male Estrogen/ Progesterone female Testosterone – male
Disorders of the Pituitary Endocrine Disorders Disorders of the Pituitary 1.GIGANTISM Hyperfunction of pituitary – too much growth hormone (GH) In preadolescent – overgrowth of long bones leads to excessive tallness
Endocrine Disorders Robert Pershing Wadlow (8’1”) The world's tallest man standing next to men of average height.
Endocrine Disorders 2. ACROMEGALY Hyperfunction of pituitary – in adulthood (“A and A”) Overdevelopment of bones in face, hands and feet, chin protrudes, and extremities enlarge Rx – drugs to inhibit growth hormone, radiation
Endocrine Disorders Changing Features in Acromegaly Over Time
Endocrine Disorders DWARFISM Hypofunction of pituitary in childhood Small size, but body proportions and intellect are normal Rx – injection of growth hormone
Endocrine Disorders HYPERTHYROIDISM Overactive thyroid gland Too much thyroxine is secreted Metabolism is high leads to enlargement of thyroid gland This is called a GOITER Another common symptom is bulging of eyeballs -EXOPHTHALMOS
Endocrine Disorders HYPERTHYROIDISM Overactive thyroid gland Too much thyroxine is secreted Metabolism is high leads to enlargement of thyroid gland This is called a GOITER Another common symptom is bulging of eyeballs -EXOPHTHALMOS
Endocrine Disorders Common S/S are: bulging of eyeballs –EXOPHTHALMOS Increased BP Increased perspiration Brittle hair and fingernails
Endocrine Disorders Goiter Exophthalamos Treatment: removal of thyroid, medication
Endocrine Disorders HYPOTHYROIDISM Not enough thyroxine secreted Metabolism is low May be due to lack of iodine, generally seen in third world countries a “simple goiter” develops, called simple because it can be treated with I+ in the diet
Why do both disorders result in a goiter??? Endocrine Disorders S/S are: dry and itchy skin Constipation WHY??? muscle cramps at night WHY??? Why do both disorders result in a goiter???
Hypoparathyroidism causes Endocrine Disorders Hypoparathyroidism causes TETANY Decreased calcium levels affect function of nerves Convulsive twitching develops, person dies of spasms in the respiratory muscles Rx: parathormone
(glucocorticoids, androgens, mineralcorticoids) Endocrine Disorders Disorders of the Adrenal Glands 1. CUSHING’S SYNDROME Hypersecretion of adrenal cortex (glucocorticoids, androgens, mineralcorticoids) May be caused by adrenal cortical tumor or prolonged use of prednisone
Endocrine Disorders Seen in women more often S/S are: high blood pressure obesity hirsutism (excessive hair growth) menstrual disorders (due to increased testosterone) Rounded moon face and buffalo hump (Makes a Cushion) Rx – surgical removal of tumor
Endocrine Disorders ADDISON’S DISEASE Hypofunction of adrenal cortex S/S are: bronzing of skin hypoglycemia, hypotension Rx – replace deficient hormones
Endocrine Disorders Androgen Abuse males liver changes atrophy of testicles, breast enlargement “roid rage” Female amenorrhea, abnormal body hair, voice changes
Endocrine Disorders
Endocrine Disorders Disorders of the PANCREAS DIABETES MELLITUS Caused by: 1. secretion of insulin “insulin dependent” or “juvenile” diabetes OR 2. ineffective use of Insulin “adult onset” or Type II diabetes
Endocrine Disorders normal blood sugar 80-100 mg Hyperglycemia elevated blood sugar S/S of diabetes : polyuria polydipsia polyphagia weight loss WHY these symptoms??
Endocrine Disorders 1. polyuria Frequent urination or lots of urine when voiding (urination) to much glucose in the blood body is getting rid of it by urinating it out
Excessive urine loss leads Endocrine Disorders 2. polydipsia Excessive thirst Why are these pts. thirsty??? Excessive urine loss leads to dehydration
Endocrine Disorders 3. polyphagia Increased hunger The cells are not getting any glucose to work with, they are “starving” and it makes pts. hungry
Endocrine Disorders 4. weight loss Carbohydrates are the first energy source used by the body Because the body can’t use carbs (no Insulin) they use the protein and fat stores in the body
Treatment for hyperglycemia is to give Insulin Endocrine Disorders If hyperglycemia goes untreated, It results in “diabetic coma” Treatment for hyperglycemia is to give Insulin
Endocrine Disorders Hypoglycemia Blood glucose is to low Can result from too much Insulin or not eating enough If not treated, hypoglcemia results in Insulin shock
Endocrine Disorders S/S of hypoglycemia: Nausea HA Shakiness Dizziness
Endocrine Disorders What should you do????? EAT!!!! What should you eat??? First, sugar to increase glucose Then proteins to absorb Insulin (peanut butter, cheese, meat)
Endocrine Disorders Complications of Diabetes Cells are unable to get Insulin and can’t work properly resulting in: Kidney/heart damage Eye damage (retinopathy) Peripheral nerve damage (neuropathy) Poor wound healing
Endocrine Disorders Retinopathy Normal Retina