MINISTRY OF EDUCATION BRUNEI DARUSSALAM’S COUNTRY REPORT International Seminar on Early Childhood Care Education & Parenting 2017 “Children’s Wellbeing.


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Presentation transcript:

MINISTRY OF EDUCATION BRUNEI DARUSSALAM’S COUNTRY REPORT International Seminar on Early Childhood Care Education & Parenting 2017 “Children’s Wellbeing & Effective Parenting in the Digital Era” 14th – 17th November 2017 Hotel Royal Ambarukkmo, Yogyakarta

MINISTRY OF EDUCATION COUNTRY REPORT NEGARA BRUNEI DARUSSALAM By Pg Hj Ahmad Masudwardi Aidil-Fitri bin Pg Hj Md Daud Senior Education Officer Pg Mohd Nabil Fikri bin Pg Hj Osman Education Officer Representing Early Childhood Care and Education Unit (ECCE) Ministry of Education

Contents 1. General Information on Early Childhood Care and MINISTRY OF EDUCATION 1. General Information on Early Childhood Care and Education (ECCE) and Parenting in Brunei Darussalam Issues and Challenges faced in Brunei Darussalam Current Initiatives and Best Practices in Enhancing the Implementation of ECCE and Parenting Development Programs and Services Proposed Initiatives and Programs Concerning ECCE and Parenting in Brunei Darussalam Programmes and Initiatives by Parents Involvement on Schoolchildren’s Education

General Information on ECCE and Parenting in Brunei Darussalam MINISTRY OF EDUCATION Brunei Darussalam’s citizens enjoy free education, medical and health services (Asmah Morni, 2010) Aims to be the top 10 countries with dynamic economy, sustainable per capital income, educated and well skilled people under “Wawasan Brunei 2035” (Brunei Vision 2035) 8 strategies identified to meet the 2035 vision – economy, society, institutions development, local businesses, structures, environment & social guarantees, and education.

1.1 Acts and Legislation on ECCE and Parenting in Brunei Darussalam MINISTRY OF EDUCATION Children and Young Persons Act 2010 Provides care and protection of children and their rehabilitation Establishment of Juvenile Courts and Action Teams on Child Protection Provision of custody, medical examination and treatment, remand homes, detention, education and care for juveniles Consists of offences such drug abuse, physical abuse, impoverished, and those without proper supervision

1.1 Acts and Legislation on ECCE and Parenting in Brunei Darussalam MINISTRY OF EDUCATION Child Care Centre Order 2006 Regulates the registration, supervision and inspection of childcare centres Ensuring childcare centres meeting the standards on the welfare, health and safety of every registered child Under the authority of Department of Community Development Ministry of Culture, Youth and Sports

1.1 Acts and Legislation on ECCE and Parenting in Brunei Darussalam MINISTRY OF EDUCATION The Education Order 2003 Regulates the registration, supervision and inspection of educational institutions for children 3 years and above Ensuring the welfare, development, health and safety of every registered child to be catered for Under the authority of the Ministry of Education

1.1 Acts and Legislation on ECCE and Parenting in Brunei Darussalam MINISTRY OF EDUCATION Compulsory Education Order 2007 Requires 9 years of compulsory education for all children Starting from Year 1 (primary school) at 6 years old until Year 9 (secondary school) Ministry of Education’s (MOE) 12 year education policy Completion of studies until “O” Levels (Year 11)

1.1 Acts and Legislation on ECCE and Parenting in Brunei Darussalam MINISTRY OF EDUCATION The National Health Care Plan Provides adequate antenatal care for mothers, balanced nutrition and preparation for breast feeding, oral health, improving child survival and decrease infant morbidity. Giving immunization and quality case management of childhood infection and disability Support the development of healthy lifestyle through education, safe environments and healthy behaviours during childhood and adolescence

1.1 Acts and Legislation on ECCE and Parenting in Brunei Darussalam MINISTRY OF EDUCATION Inclusive Special Education Policy Attaining quality education for all children following trends on inclusive education Introduced in 1994 under the National Education Policy in supporting the idea of ‘education for all’ Educating all school age children with varying learning and special needs together with their peers in the regular classroom. MOE supported the vision of quality inclusive education highlighting the principles of excellence for all and equality of opportunity

1.2. Supporting Policies and Development of ECCE in Brunei Darussalam MINISTRY OF EDUCATION 26 January 1996 – Brunei Darussalam was confirmed to the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child Brunei Darussalam’s National Development Programmes (NDP) in 2007-2017 top priority was investing in early childhood education The Education Act 2003 provide children free preschool education at age 5 years old The Compulsory Education Order 2007 states compulsory formal education begins at age 6 with at least 9 years of education.

1.2. Supporting Policies and Development of ECCE in Brunei Darussalam MINISTRY OF EDUCATION Government does not provide educational services for those below 5 years old except for private institutions November 2008, an ECCE Committee was set up to review the general curriculum, pedagogy and provision of existing ECCE 13th April 2010, MOE issued a Policy Paper on ECCE for Brunei Darussalam to all Heads of Department in MOE 1st June 2010, the establishment of the Early Childhood Care and Education (ECCE) Unit

1.3. Brunei Darussalam’s Definition of Early Childhood Care and Education (ECCE) MINISTRY OF EDUCATION ECCE refers to children’s education program covering their education, well-being and their welfare including care, nutrition and health for their early development Including concerns on their safety and protection as well as environment from birth until age of eight (8) In accordance with the national philosophy of Melayu Islam Beraja (MIB)

1.3. Brunei Darussalam’s Definition of Early Childhood Care and Education (ECCE) MINISTRY OF EDUCATION Parenting plays an important role in their development Parents are considered as ‘first teachers’ to the children Process of caring and preparing children for life as productive adults Including their health, safety, development, learning and well-being Parents refers to a child’s birth father and birth mother or others who have direct responsibility for caring the child

1.4. Brunei Darussalam’s Education System Framework MINISTRY OF EDUCATION Formal schooling begins at preschool level at age 5 6 years of primary education from Year 1 until Year 6 Follow a common curriculum and sit for the Primary School Assessment (PSR) at the end of Year 6 5 years of secondary education from Year 7 until Year 11 (‘O’ Levels)

1.4. Brunei Darussalam’s Education System Framework MINISTRY OF EDUCATION Preschool focusses on key competencies such as socio- emotional development, personality development, and school preparedness skills for pursuing Primary Education Year 1 until Year 3 emphasizes on 3Rs including the socio- emotional and personality developments Year 4 until Year 6 focus on the application of the 3Rs, key essential skills and knowledge, development of personality, attitudes and values

1.4. Brunei Darussalam’s Education System Framework MINISTRY OF EDUCATION Early Learning Curriculum Framework and Learning Standards in Brunei Darussalam Curriculum framework is based on the Ministry of Education curriculum guidelines of the new 21st Century National Education System, implemented since 2009 Curriculum implemented in the pre-school education aimed to facilitate children’s holistic and balanced development and learning A structured play-based programme and Project Approach is in place in all Government and private preschools which provides a firm foundation for formal education

1.4. Brunei Darussalam’s Education System Framework MINISTRY OF EDUCATION Brunei Darussalam does not have a national quality assurance framework for ECCD Education Acts and Legislations determines the ECCE framework It is compulsory for every child to attend school by age 6 Unregistered child care centres are liable to a fine Unsatisfactory child care centres not meeting the standards and regulations will be asked to close

1.5. Current Situation Related to ECCE and Parenting in Brunei Darussalam MINISTRY OF EDUCATION Early Childhood Care and Development Centre (ECCD) is registered under Department of Community Development, Ministry of Culture, Youth and Sports (MOCYS), and Ministry of Education (MOE) JAPEM registers all child care centres and monitors the registration of children below 3 years old attending it MOE is responsible for monitoring the education and development of children above 3 years old attending private schools MOH tracks records of the immunization of children in Brunei

Private Child Care Centres Private non-government institution 1.5. Current Situation Related to ECCE and Parenting in Brunei Darussalam MINISTRY OF EDUCATION ECCE provisions are available through the 4 main agencies in Brunei Darussalam MOE Public Preschools MOCYS Private Child Care Centres MOH Child Health Services Private non-government institution Private Preschools

1.5. Current Situation Related to ECCE and Parenting in Brunei Darussalam MINISTRY OF EDUCATION ECCE programmes aim to improve the development and well-being of young children Provided holistic care and education for all young children in Brunei Darussalam Government and non-government agencies given with specific responsibilities and collaborate to serve the needs of the children

1.5. Current Situation Related to ECCE and Parenting in Brunei Darussalam MINISTRY OF EDUCATION Diagram representing the three main Responsible Agencies of ECCE in Brunei Darussalam Early Childhood Care and Education (ECCE) in Brunei Darussalam Ministry of Education(MoE) Government Schools (5 years old) and Private Schools (3-5 years old) Preschool care and education Ministry of Culture,Youth and Sports Private Child Care Centres for children aged from birth to 3 years old Ministry of Health (MOH) Health Services for children aged 0-5 years old (Child Health Services, School Health Services, Child Therapeutic Interventions)

1.6. ECCE Towards a Sustainable Future MINISTRY OF EDUCATION Brunei Darussalam’s ECCE unit aims to further develop in many aspects progressively Prioritizing inter-agency collaboration between MOE, MOCYS, MOH and other sectors on parents involvement Build stronger and more effective resource capacity at all levels by training Enhance qualitative improvement in parenting education

1.6. ECCE Towards a Sustainable Future MINISTRY OF EDUCATION Enhance human resource capacity within key agencies Initiate and maintain partnership with private and non- government organizations

2. Issues and Challenges Faced in Brunei Darussalam MINISTRY OF EDUCATION Ensuring quality services offered in training and lifelong learning opportunities for preschool practitioners, preschool curriculum, teachers competency and parents involvement Parents limited knowledge and access in areas concerning the importance of ECCE Education programme and training focused on young children from birth until 3 years old Lack of monitoring and mentoring system to measure quality teaching and care centres and preschools The misconception of ‘play’ in preschool by parents

2. Issues and Challenges Faced in Brunei Darussalam MINISTRY OF EDUCATION Limited availability of community support for first time parents Limited interagency coordination between relevant authorities with parents Ensuring all children gain access to an equitable opportunity for a quality preschool education Limited parents involvement with school administration concerning child’s their child’s learning

3. Current Initiatives and Best Practices in Enhancing the Implementation of ECCE and Parenting Development Programs and Services MINISTRY OF EDUCATION Setting up of child care centres requires specific regulations and strict guidelines authorized by MOCYS and other agencies Nationwide Capacity Building Programme for preschool teachers 2010 – 2011 (Training of Trainers) Quality Indicators Checklist 2011 : scheme of work, thematic activities, and lesson plans Preschool Classroom Visitations: to assess ECCE quality in schools

3. Current Initiatives and Best Practices in Enhancing the Implementation of ECCE and Parenting Development Programs and Services MINISTRY OF EDUCATION End of year orientation programmes for new preschoolers for smooth transition and make children ready for school Staggered Entry for new entrants 2012 to accommodate parents to settle their child easily in a new school environment Feasibility study on the Provision of High Quality Care and Education to Childern Aged Three (3) and four (4) by engaging UNICEF expertise

3. Current Initiatives and Best Practices in Enhancing the Implementation of ECCE and Parenting Development Programs and Services MINISTRY OF EDUCATION ECCE Conference and Regional Forum on SEAMEO Project 5 in April 2012 Developing National Quality Framework 2012: Establishing groups of National Framework Committee 17-19 February 2014, experts invited for ‘Capacity Building Program for Developing a National Quality Framework for Early Childhood Care and Education, 0-5 years old’

3. Current Initiatives and Best Practices in Enhancing the Implementation of ECCE and Parenting Development Programs and Services MINISTRY OF EDUCATION 5-7 May 2014, second workshop by experts on ‘Capacity Building Program for Developing a National Quality Framework for Early Childhood Care and Education, 0-5 years old’ 17 November 2014, ‘Early Childhood Care and Education World Conference – First Steps to Nurturing Future Leaders’ Medical interventions by MOH by giving vaccinations and health support to every child from birth until 3 years old

3. Current Initiatives and Best Practices in Enhancing the Implementation of ECCE and Parenting Development Programs and Services MINISTRY OF EDUCATION Nationwide School and Family Engagement (SAFE) Program (2014) at all preschool involving parents for their literacy development. Preschool showcase held once every term by inviting parents to school and watch their child’s performance, work, crafts and others Schools constantly encourage active parents involvement through meetings, school projects, school tasks, fund raisers, open day and others Attachment program for ‘O’ and ‘A’ Level students as Teacher Assistants in preschool classroom

4. Proposed Initiatives and Programs Concerning ECCE and Parenting in Brunei Darussalam MINISTRY OF EDUCATION Comprehensive parental programmes to support children’s development Ensuring access to home and community based programmes Effective two-way communication of information between schools and parents Parenting programmes and educating parents as role models

4. Proposed Initiatives and Programs Concerning ECCE and Parenting in Brunei Darussalam MINISTRY OF EDUCATION Prepare useful resources and activities available to parents to support motor skills, language development, behavior and others Recommend activities parents can implement at home to extend the curriculum beyond the classroom settings. Creating educational apps for preschoolers using local contexts

5. Programmes and Initiatives by Parents Involvement on Schoolchildren’s Education MINISTRY OF EDUCATION Parent–Teachers Association (PTA) given autonomy for meetings, sharing sessions and problems concerning schools welfare PTA members invited to counselling and motivational talks Invited to fund raisers and donations to help those in need Involved in organizing whole school religious prayers during exams and important events

5. Programmes and Initiatives by Parents Involvement on Schoolchildren’s Education MINISTRY OF EDUCATION Parents are active in improving schools conduciveness through cleaning campaign and decorating school compounds Appreciating teachers by parents in celebrating and organizing school events Attending school events and exhibitions such as preschool showcase Involved in academic workshops such as learning phonics