Kindergarten Scope & Sequence Unit 10: School’s Out! ET = explicit teaching, P = practice, R = revisit Alphabet Knowledge Learning the Alphabet - association of letters with their shapes and sounds R - identification of all uppercase letters of the alphabet - identification of all lowercase letters of the alphabet - distinguish between capital and lowercase letters - letter/sound correspondence for use in decoding words **Grey highlighting indicates that this is the first time a skill is being introduced.** Yellow highlighting indicates that skill has shifted from Explicit Teaching to Practice. Pink Highlighting indicates that skill has shifted to Revisit.
Kindergarten Scope & Sequence Unit 10: School’s Out! ET = explicit teaching, P = practice, R = revisit Writing Letter Writing Knowledge - correct use of writing tools R - uppercase letters - lowercase letters - sounds in words are represented by letters of the alphabet - write left to right, top to bottom and front to back - capitalization and punctuation (in context) - capitalize the first word in a sentence and pronoun I - recognize and name end punctuation - write a letter or letters for most consonant and short vowel sounds P - spell simple words phonetically, drawing on sound-letter relationship ET Writing for Composing - an understanding that print conveys meaning - use of pictures, talk or words for thinking about and planning writing - use of pictures to convey meaning - use of letters to form words to convey meaning - use of words to convey meaning - expression of opinion or preference on paper - composition of informative/explanatory text to supply info on topic - naming of topic of writing - narration of events - explanation of events - use of simple sentences to convey meaning - respond to questions and suggestions from peers and add details - explore a variety of digital tools to produce and publish writing - participate in shared research and writing projects - recall information from experiences or gather info from provided sources - writing can be changed/edited - demonstrate conventions of standard English Writing in a Variety of Forms - writing has different purposes - there is more than one form/genre of writing Writing Clearly and Effectively - selecting a topic - organization of writing around one topic - use of a variety of words - writing fluent sentences
Kindergarten Scope & Sequence Unit 10: School’s Out! ET = explicit teaching, P = practice, R = revisit Print Awareness Concepts of Print - discrimination between drawings/pictures and writing/print in books R - print is speech written down - words are represented by specific sequences of letters - print carries meaning - print runs from left to right and top to bottom - books are read right side up - pages in book are turned in sequence from right to left, front to back - identification of front cover, back cover and title page of book - naming of the author and illustrator with prompts - definition of role of author and illustrator - description of the relationship between illustration and text P - beginning awareness of sound/symbol correspondence - decoding of simple words through phonics ET Recognition of Letters and Words - awareness of letters - recognition of environmental print - recognition of first name - recognition of last name - exposure to simple sight words - difference between similarly spelled words by identifying different sounds Text Forms - different text forms are used for different functions Conventions of Print - appropriate use of capitalization - appropriate use of periods and question marks - appropriate use of spaces between words **Grey highlighting indicates that this is the first time a skill is being introduced.** Yellow highlighting indicates that skill has shifted from Explicit Teaching to Practice. Pink Highlighting indicates that skill has shifted to Revisit.
Kindergarten Scope & Sequence Unit 10: School’s Out! ET = explicit teaching, P = practice, R = revisit Phonemic Awareness Listening - attention to sounds in the environment R -discrimination of sounds in the environment and in speech Rhyme/Alliteration/Assonance - recognition of rhymes - production of rhymes - recognition of beginning sounds - production of beginning sound - one to one letter-sound correspondence for each consonant - association of long and short sounds with five major vowels - identify and repeat sentences that use alliteration Oddity Tasks (chooses odd one out in groups of 3 or more) - rhyme - beginning consonants - ending consonants -medial sounds (long vowels) - medial sounds (short vowels) P - medial vowels with consonants Oral Blending - syllables - onset/rime - phoneme by phoneme ET Oral Segmentation - clap words in a sentence - counting of syllables in words Phonemic Manipulation - substitution (beginning and ending sounds) - deletion (compounds and syllables) -deletion (beginning and ending sounds) - deletion (beginning and ending sounds in blends) - read high frequency words by sight - distinguish between similarly spelled words by identifying sounds of letters that differ - read emergent reader texts with purpose and understanding p **Grey highlighting indicates that this is the first time a skill is being introduced.** Yellow highlighting indicates that skill has shifted from Explicit Teaching to Practice. Pink Highlighting indicates that skill has shifted to Revisit.
Kindergarten Scope & Sequence Unit 10: School’s Out! ET = explicit teaching, P = practice, R = revisit Comprehension Make Connections - compare and contrast elements in stories R - compare and contrast elements in the environment - compare and contrast adventures of characters in stories P - describe connections between two individuals in a text - decribe connection between events or ideas in text - compare and contrast fiction and non-fiction books Inferencing - predictions using pictures and text features - predictions using background knowledge - consequences for behavior of characters in stories - relationship between illustrations and story - facts and opinions - similarities and differences between two texts (same topic) - cause and effect - generalizations - conclusions - relate verbs and adjectives to opposites for understanding Synthesizing -bring information about story together - characters in stories - real life connections between words and their use - story structure - major events - story setting - story plot - classify and categorize - sequence - summarize - retell story - distinguish shades of meaning between action verbs ET Asking and Answering Questions - key details in text - unknown words in text - ask for help when something is not understood - story meaning - author's purpose - fantasy and reality **Grey highlighting indicates that this is the first time a skill is being introduced.** Yellow highlighting indicates that skill has shifted from Explicit Teaching to Practice. Pink Highlighting indicates that skill has shifted to Revisit.
Kindergarten Scope & Sequence Unit 10: School’s Out! ET = explicit teaching, P = practice, R = revisit Oral Language Listening - listening to and engaging in sustained conversations R - responses to questions Speaking - participation in group discussions - description of familiar places, things and events P - understanding ideas expressed by others - logical self expression - use of frequently occurring nouns and verbs - recitation of short poems from memory - increased vocabulary while interacting with environment - increased use of action verbs - identification of new meanings for familiar words - accurate use of new meanings for words - increased use of descriptive words to communicate ideas - use of inflections and affixes to derive meaning of unknown words ET - use of vocabulary specific to book reading experience - fluent verbalization of ideas - speaking in large groups/small groups and formal/informal settings - accurate recall of main idea of an oral activity - accurate recall of the sequence of an oral activity - engagement in group reading with purpose and understanding **Grey highlighting indicates that this is the first time a skill is being introduced.** Yellow highlighting indicates that skill has shifted from Explicit Teaching to Practice. Pink Highlighting indicates that skill has shifted to Revisit.