Child Care Unplugged: What do we do about TV, DVDs and computer games? STARS Training Home-Based Child Care Providers
Agenda Getting to know you game Define screen time Review learning objectives Presentation of research and recommendations –Link between screen time and health –Screen time guidelines for children Discussion –Make a poster Presentation of Active Bodies Active Minds web site Summary and Close
Getting To Know You Game!
Screen Time TV DVDs Videos Video games Computers and the internet Includes all entertainment screen media
Learning Objectives Explain to others why it is important to limit screen time for children Tell others about the guidelines on screen time for children Take home ideas on how to reduce screen time for children Talk to parents about limiting the screen time for children at home By the end of today you will be able to:
Screen Time Numbers Pre-school children spend 32 hours in front of TV screens each week. 1/3 pre-school children have a TV in their bedroom Children watch 40,000 commercials a year on TV.
Too much screen time is linked to Impaired mental and emotional development –Poor school performance –Attention problems –Less creative imagination –Aggressive behavior Overweight –Commercials for fat and sugary foods –Snacking –Replaces physical activity
Importance of Play Caring relationships with loving and consistent caregivers as they relate to children through play are critical to children’s development Play and unscheduled (free) time that allow for interactions between children are important for social and emotional learning Play builds active healthy bodies American Academy of Pediatrics
Screen Time Guidelines Children under 2 years –ZERO screen time Children over 2 years –Less than 2 hours TOTAL screen time –QUALITY programming No TV in the bedroom American Academy of Pediatrics
How do you think the children would react if, when they arrived at your home one day, the TV was off and there was a cover over it? Is this feasible for you in your child care? Is the drive to use screens coming from the children or you as providers? Do you use TV as a transition between activities? Would putting up posters saying ‘Switch off the TV!’ be useful in helping to reduce screen time? Discussion
Would having a written set of guidelines (a policy) on the wall or in your parent handbook help reduce the amount screen time for children? What are the benefits of having a written policy? Would planning ahead with the children help reduce screen time? Do you think avoiding using TV as a reward or punishment would help reduce screen time?
Discussion How can we reduce screen time?
Smart Screen Time Strategies Limit use of screens as a transition between activities Put up posters Have a written set of guidelines (policy) about limiting screen time Plan ahead and select quality programs to watch that day or week Avoid using screens as a reward or punishment Talk to parents about reducing screen time at home
Example of a Screen Time Policy
Preschool children Smart screen time strategies Sample policy Materials and resources WA Active Bodies Active Minds (WAABAM)
Learning Objectives Explain to others why it is important to limit screen time for children –Impaired mental and emotional development –Overweight Tell others about the guidelines on screen time for children –Children under 2 years, ZERO screen time –Children over 2 years, less than 2 hours in TOTAL of QUALITY programming per day –No TV in bedroom
Learning Objectives Take home ideas on how to reduce screen time for children –Limit use of screens as a transition between activities –Put up posters –Have a written set of rules (policy) on screen time –Plan ahead –Avoid using screen time as a reward or punishment Talk to parents about limiting screen time for children at home