Cultural Landscapes Aim: How is culture expressed in landscapes and how does land and resource use represent cultural identity? Do Now: How is the culture of Verona expressed in its landscape?
Cultural Landscape The imprint of people on the land - how humans use, alter and manipulate the landscape to express their identity. Examples: Architecture of buildings Methods of tilling the soil Means of transportation Clothing and adornment Sights, sounds and smells of a place U of C Berkley Professor Carl Sauer is responsible for the concept of cultural landscape. Derwent Whittlesey proposed the concept of sequent occupance 2
Landscapes of Folk Culture Every folk culture produces a distinctive landscape
Folk Architecture Building materials House shape House form and orientation
Building materials Based on environment Wood in forested areas Brick in hot, dry places Grass or sod on prairies Skins for nomads
Nebraska Syria Dominican Republic Newfoundland
House Shape May depend on environment Interior courtyards for privacy Open plan for letting in air Tall, narrow to maximize land Steep roofs in snowy areas
Thailand Amsterdam Massachusetts
House Form and Orientation Sociofacts If artifacts represent material culture, sociofacts represent nonmaterial interpersonal culture Front porches, front stoops Sacred direction, sacred wall Sleeping orientation
Guyana Brooklyn
Landscapes of Popular Culture
Placelessness Spatial standardization that diminishes regional variety One place seems pretty much like another Robbed of unique character Is popular culture truly placeless?
Cultural Landscape: the visible human imprint How have people changed the landscape? What buildings, statues, and so forth have they erected? How do landscapes reflect the values of a culture?
Cultural Landscapes Project I am your client I want to experience the rich unique places produced by folk culture If popular culture is placeless, show me the “placefulness” of your countries Design a presentation for each of your countries that emphasizes its unique local cultural landscape