Corporate social responsibility scavenger hunt Monday, November 13 - Wednesday, November 15, 2017
1 2 3 Directions Using Choose Partner Partner into teams of two at your assigned tables. 2 Using Using your laptops, research the top companies in corporate responsibility. 3 Choose Choose the company with the causes you most identify with as a team.
Assignment AKA The hunt Prepare a PowerPoint presentation with the following information: The name of the company Pictures of the company’s logo, products, and photos of their charities Information relating to the company’s social responsibility A list of all charities and organizations supported and established by the company
Collaboration & productivity Students will utilize cloud-based technology to work on the PowerPoint presentation required for this assignment. Examples of this technology include Google Drive, One Drive, DropBox, & iCloud. Students will work on this assignment during class on Monday, November 14 and during the first 20 minutes of class on the presentation days.
Due date This is assignment is worth a quiz grade, and is due on the following dates: November 14, 2017 (5th Period) November 15, 2017 (4th & 6th Periods) Please email all presentations to