2010-09-13 Workshop WeShare 2012 Gunnar Mathiason Envolve Information Fusion for Energy Efficiency “AWARE - Situation awareness for societal functions” 2010-09-13 Workshop WeShare 2012 Gunnar Mathiason
Envolve Energy preservation Information Fusion for energy efficiency A strategic problem for society EU climate goal Information Fusion for energy efficiency IF can create new understanding Situation awareness, Anomalies, Uncertainties Usage of information from many sources High volumes of automatic meter readings EU climate goal: 20-20 by 2020 A reduction of at least 20% in greenhouse gases (GHG) by 2020 A 20% share of renewable energies in EU energy consumption by 2020 http://eur-lex.europa.eu/LexUriServ/LexUriServ.do?uri=CELEX:52008DC0030:EN:NOT Original text: 20-20-20 until 2020 * Reduce CO2 emissions by at least 20 % compared to 1990 * Reduce energy usage by 20 % (savings, more efficient use) * Increase the share of renewable energy to 20 % of all energy consumption * Increase the share of biofuels for transports by 10 % http://www.eu-upplysningen.se/Amnesomraden/Miljo/Klimat/ Infofusion, DRTS, SAIL, InGaMeLab, IS www.his.se/infofusion/envolve 2
Data Information Understanding Information For What? Better usage of resources: Energy sources: Fossile, water, wind, solar, .. Production facilities Transmission, Distribution Understand the resource needs. Can act smarter with the resources Value: Temperature, Functions, Comfort, Life Data Information Understanding www.his.se/infofusion/envolve
Envolve Energy involvement and engagement Project Themes Envolve Energy involvement and engagement Enlight End user awareness of own energy efficiency Engage Involve next generation energy users AMMend Awareness of the status of the electricity grid Aware Situation awareness for societal functions Enlight – Allows energy customers to be aware of their energy usage and energy profile (environment profile). Offers the means and opportunity to actively influence the individual situation. Visualization and interaction is central. Real data in the loop. Assumes automatic analysis, with behavior models and –profiles. Aggregation of customer data for energy customers and demonstrators. ENGAGE – Edutainment / serious games / ... To engage, challenge, and activate the attitudes of youth to energy usage. AMMend – Diagnostics and follow-up of the behavior of the energy network and its capacity to meet demands. Influenced by Enlight. Aware – Support for societal protection against civil contingencies Uses the aggregated behavior of energy usage. Individual alarms. Anomy detection based on information from Enlight (and AMMend). www.his.se/infofusion/envolve 4
Automatic Meter Readings Required set-up 1/month 1/month Monthly meter readings Correct invoicing Monthly Invoice, distri- bution 1/month Monthly Invoice, energy usage www.his.se/infofusion/envolve
Measurement handling system Automatic Meter Readings Some implementations Power network operation and management 1/hour occasionally Measurement handling system 1/month Monthly meter readings Correct invoicing 1/month Web Monthly Invoice, energy usage www.his.se/infofusion/envolve Web
Automatic Meter Readings The future need ”On-line” ”On-demand” Measurement server Applications Applications: Power network operations Invoicing, distribution / energy - Third party services -.. www.his.se/infofusion/envolve
Applications Alarms and anomalies [New utility services?] ”Heat pump failure” ”Windows forgot open” Household group anomalies [New service?] Burglar crime wave? Changed weather conditions? Fusion! Multiple households, multiple data sources www.his.se/infofusion/envolve
Models and anomalies Model from current knowledge Static or dynamic model Evaluate real-time data against model Find anomalies react Model Actions’ Sensors Rules Actions’’ www.his.se/infofusion/envolve
Health Care Applications Group model Epidemic Individual Illness Additional sensors adds detail Scale at fridge, Bathroom PIR/light, Fire detector, .. Level of intrusiveness? www.his.se/infofusion/envolve
Privacy Well-defined level of detail required Selected sensors/indicators Also for combinations of sensors Agreed level of detail. Patient, Relatives, .. Need of detail for specific service Usefulness Useful applications bring acceptance www.his.se/infofusion/envolve
Challenges Who owns the data and the knowledge? A society/common infrastructure issue? Who can sell the data and the knowledge? How can aggregated knowledge stay private? Alternatives to data coming from Utilities? It is useful? Is there a need? For who? Patient? Health care budget? Will quality of health care really improve? www.his.se/infofusion/envolve