Marco Olmedo
Stress Acute Stress – Intense; but short lived Eustress – Positive stress Chronic – Not as intense; but prolonged Distress – Negative Stress
Stress is stressful But if you understand a bit of what it is you will be better able to deal with it. Survival mechanism fight or flight reaction (emergency state to get you out of danger. )
Fight or flight
Fight or flight This response begins with a sensor (eyes or ears) notice an on coming danger. Information sent to the amygdala. (area of brain that contributes to emotional processing) Distress signal is sent to the hypothalamus (command center) This part of the brain communicates with the rest of the body through the nervous system. when this mechanism is activated it triggers a cascade of stress hormones. (adrenaline and cortisol) This speeds up your heart and breathing rates to help pump oxygen around our bodies in preparation either to fight the threat or run away
Prolonged levels of circulating cortisol Impaired cognitive performance Dampened thyroid function Blood sugar imbalances, such as hyperglycemia Decreased bone density Sleep disruption Decreased muscle mass Elevated blood pressure Lowered immune function Slow wound healing Increased abdominal fat, which has a stronger correlation to certain health problems than fat deposited in other areas of the body. Some of the health problems associated with increased stomach fat are heart attacks, strokes, higher levels of “bad” cholesterol (LDL) and lower levels of “good” cholesterol (HDL), which can lead to other health problems.*
But now days this mechanism is activated by many other things like…..
CNS Depressants
Benzodiazepines A class of psychoactive drugs, they are one of the most widely prescribed medications in the U.S. Benzodiazepines possess sedative, hypnotic, anti-anxiety, anticonvulsant, and muscle relaxant properties. Benzodiazepines work by enhancing the effect of the neurotransmitter gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) - which is responsible for reducing the activity of neurons that cause Stress and Anxiety
Side effects Short term use of these medications are generally safe and effective. Long term use of benzodiazepines is very controversial, because they can cause physical or physiological dependence. Combining these sedatives with alcohol can lead to come or death. Other possible side effects are dizziness, weakness, and loss of orientation among others.
Passion flower
How does it works? Studies have shown that passionflower may be comparable in effectiveness to benzodiazepine drugs. Which are used to reduce stress. It has not beeen proven but it is believed that passionflower works by increasing levels of a chemical called gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) in the brain. This lowers the activity of some brain cells, making you feel more relaxed. Passionflower is available in a variety of forms infusions Teas liquid extracts.
Side effects Dizziness, Confusion Irregular muscle action and coordination
How does it work? Inhaling certain scents has been shown to have immediate stress relief effects by raising mood, reducing anxiety and aiding concentration. Experts say it’s because the smells can stimulate the limbic system, which in turn releases chemicals that affect the brain, promoting feelings of relaxation, calmness, love and excitement. Popular oils for stress relief and mental fatigue include lavender, cypress and rosemary.