Data Sharing and Data Quality of Ocean Currents and Temperature towards an Operational Data Management System Introduction and Workshop Goals March 9-10, 2006 Chapel Hill, North Carolina
Data Management Workshop Hosts: SEACOOS DMCC Funding: SURA/SCOOP through SECOORA Many, many thanks to: Sarah Smith and Tonya Sanders (UNC General Admin) Parker Lumpkin (SECOORA)
Workshop Goals Next two days: Develop information base that will help define methodology for regional data sharing and data quality of ocean currents and temperature. By Fall 2006: This information will be used towards drafting white papers specifying methodologies, requirements, and services for a regional data management system.
Workshop Goals Next two days: Focus on data sharing and QA/QC blends everything: data sharing, translation, metadata, aggregation, display, uncertainties, circulation models, with application to fisheries, search and rescue. By Fall 2006: Publish two white papers. One on data sharing and one on QA/QC that will help to define specifics towards a regional DM Plan.
WHO’S HERE 69 registered Expected 25-30 participants 11 Industry 13 Government (state and federal) 45 Academic Research ~10 National Programs (NOAA) ~20 Southeast (SECOORA) 15 Gulf of Mexico (GCOOS) 10 Florida (FLCOOS) 10 Mid-Atlantic (MACOORA) 10 Northeast (GoMOOS) 2 Central and Northern California (CenCOOS) 2 Southern California (SCCOOS) 1 Pacific Northwest (NANOOS)
Ulterior Motives Network technical folks that deal with ocean data Better mix of government, academia, and industry (still could do better) Get everyone up to the same playing level
Several Viewpoints SEACOOS DMCC funded to participate in national workshops, host planning workshop, host this regional DM workshop, and write two white papers. A chance to have input or impact on data management strategies in the regional association. Help define the relationship of RAs in IOOS by working with technical folks in neighboring RAs.
Breakout Groups Day 1 – Thursday Group 1: Fisheries Service Group 2: Search and Rescue Focus on ocean currents and temperature: Data sharing Translation Visualization Be thinking of: Roles and responsibilities of data provider and RCOOS What we have and relate it to what we might do
Breakout Groups Day 2 – Friday Group 1: Fisheries Service Group 2: Search and Rescue Focus on ocean currents and temperature: Data Quality Be thinking of: Roles and responsibilities of data provider and RCOOS What we have and relate it to what we might do
Breakout Groups Day 1 – Thursday Group 1: Fisheries Service Group 2: Search and Rescue Focus on ocean currents and temperature: Data sharing Translation Visualization Be thinking of: Roles and responsibilities of data provider and RCOOS What we have and relate it to what we might do