Pirates “Ahoy m’hearties” English Maths History/ Geography Computing Stories in familiar settings. Labels, lists, signs and posters. Songs and repetitive poems. Maths Counting (forwards and backwards/ in 2s,3s,5s,10s.) Place Value 1 more & less than Addition and Subtraction History/ Geography Computing Music & Drama Taught by Miss Mills. Designing your personal Pirate ship and flag, Making clay Pirate medallions We will be learning about compass points, maps & globes. Also looking at famous pirates from around the world. We will be learning the importance of E-safety and why we use passwords. PE We will be starting with Fundamentals; Developing skills of movement and balance with control. RE We will be focusing on ‘Who made the World?’ & learning about the Harvest. Art Science Animals Looking at marine animals, types of bird and even humans. Practising our drawing and painting skills and techniques. Trips & Workshops There is no trip this term. Special Days Pirate Day – come to school on Monday 10th October, dressed as a pirate and solve pirate problems and challenges in teams… or walk the plank!
Welcome back Class 2! I hope you all enjoyed the Summer break and are ready for the year ahead! This letter is to inform you about what we do in Class 2, if there is anything that is unclear or you have any other questions or queries – please do not hesitate to contact me at school or via email: srock@hartpury.gloucs.sch.uk or through the Dojo app. A few bits and bobs: Please make sure your child knows what they want for dinner (menus available at the office) or if they have brought a packed lunch with them, especially if they have allergies. Unless it is for a special day or show and tell session, please ensure your child does not bring any of their toys to school. Hopefully you have signed into our new Class Dojo – the letters were sent out earlier this week and need to be signed and returned. Please ensure all your belongings are named to avoid confusion, anything unclaimed will be placed in lost property at the end of the day. Homework Y1 and 2 Reading Books Read everyday if possible. A few books will be sent home to read. l have written which colour books your child is on, on the front of their reading record book. Please record a comment of words they needed support with, word meaning that were discussed and state which page number is next and ensure it is brought back to school each day. Maths Your child will be given a Maths Target card to bring home stating either a counting sequence to practise or a times table they are working on. There will also be some examples of activities you can do and games you can play to help them. (This will be sent out in a few weeks) Y1 Word packs If your child is in Year 1, they will bring a word pack home. It will have word cards in to practise reading and spelling correctly. (This will be sent out in a few weeks) Y2 Spelling Logs If your child is in Year 2, they will have a spelling log book with words to practise. They will need to bring their log book to school everyday. If you have any questions about this see Mrs Pealing. (This should be sent out by next week) Many thanks, Miss Rock