Aim:Why should we use previewing and predicting skill in reading? CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.RL.9-10.2 Cite strong and thorough textual evidence to support analysis of what the text says explicitly as well as inferences drawn from the text.
Aim:Why should we use previewing and predicting skill in reading? What is previewing? What is predicting? There are two skills that are essential for a good reader: Previewing and Predicting. When you gather information about a book by examining its cover, you are previewing. The aim of previewing is to help you to predict or make some "educated guesses" about what is in the book. You should develop the habit of applying these skills whenever you read.
Aim:Why should we use previewing and predicting skill in reading? Previewing and predicting before you read can make a big difference. You can get some ideas about what you will read. That way you will begin to process the information far more quickly. You will also be able to follow the writer's ideas better. Though it takes a few minutes to preview and predict, those few minutes are well invested. You will find that later you save reading time and gain comprehension.
Vocabulary study 1. Essential a. (very important) 2. Preview v. (pre: before view: look, read Preview: _______) 3. Predict v. (Pre: _____ dict: tell Predict: _______ 4. Invest v. (do something to make more later) 5. Fiction (make up stories such as __________________________) 6. Nonfiction (real information such as ______________________)
Do you understand today’s vocabulary? Checkpoint # 1: Do you understand today’s vocabulary? Raise your right hand if you clearly understand today’s vocabulary words. Raise your left hand if you do not clearly understand today’s vocabulary words.
Aim:Why should we use previewing and predicting skill in reading? You can tell a lot about a book from its cover! Examine the book cover on the next page. Then fill in the following information. Title Author Fiction or nonfiction? What do you predict that this book is about?
Aim:Why should we use previewing and predicting skill in reading? 5.List some of the adjectives which are found in the reviews on the back cover of the book. 6.Find any additional information about the author and write it here.
Aim: How do we scan an encyclopedia entry? 6. What was her specialty in scientific work? 7. How many years did the Curies work on their radium study? 8. When did they receive the Nobel Prize? 9. Which American president helped her with her work? 10. What is the name of her most famous book?
Aim:Why should we use previewing and predicting skill in reading? #1130 Find a book and preview or predict about the book by filling out the following information.