Our messages to the world Big part of our role now is external representation and relationship building – but what are we saying when we get there? Know communities can be nervous about this, so wanted to explain our messages and our thinking.
Talked last year about theories of change Talked last year about theories of change. Over this year we developed this logic model
Camphill Scotland is more able to influence learning disability policy Activities Short term outcomes Medium term outcomes Long term outcomes Representing members’ interests and perceptions on social policy and practice in relation to people with learning disabilities Camphill Scotland is more able to influence learning disability policy The policy environment in Scotland is more supportive of Camphill’s unique contribution Camphill Scotland is better represented in national level discussions Camphill communities in Scotland are more sustainable as social care providers Building supportive alliances and networks with other key organisations in the Scottish social care environment The learning disability community in Scotland supports and admires the work of Camphill in Scotland Camphill Scotland has better connections in the Scottish social care environment Learning disability with all age groups Social care includes care of children, yp, adults and older people Our main aim right now is to be seen as valuable members of the social care and learning disability communities in Scotland. Being seen and being seen to be credible. Camphill in Scotland is more able to influence learning disability practice Promoting the Camphill brand in Scotland
Life in Camphill is a really good start Life in Camphill is a really good start. Last year 1/3 MSPs – booklet was really useful to give an overview of Camphill life to those who haven’t heard of it. Great introduction. Developing an easy read this year which will help to cast us as inclusive. That is proactive, also some reactive work – making the most of opportunities that arise Responding to issues as they arise and making ourselves useful – based on members’ input e.g. transitions collecting stories, meeting with Care Inspectorate, national conference, Scottish transitions forum, autism strategy transitions subgroup. Starting to see some benefits already e.g. in SCLD assets-based booklet, presentations to residential schools commissioners, practice teachers and provider orgs.
Helping us with our sub aim of presenting CS as an org with something to teach others. Being very confident about our message. Have done that a lot through SP: Care News, Iriss, SSSC – partnering with other orgs to promote both SP and Camphill. Helping people to understand our model of relationship-based care