11/19/12 BR – List as many forms of government as you can 11/19/12 BR – List as many forms of government as you can. If you don’t know the name you can just describe it. Today: Understanding How Our Political Values Shape the Types of Governments We Have Check Current Events Files!
Check In on Political Philosophy Readings and Charts Which philosopher did you agree with the most and why? Which one did you agree with the least (“What?! This dude is nuts!”)
Exit Slip (or Homework) Which philosopher did you agree with the most and why? Which one did you agree with the least (“What?! This dude is nuts!”)
Philosophy to Forms Get a copy of “Forms of Government” As best you can, read each definition and draw symbols or pictures that go along with each form of government (don’t worry about doing it like the example)
Let’s Pick A Radio Station. As I reveal each statement, tell me what government you think I’m talking about.
Government Form Charades! Get together with a partner or a group and put together a skit that demonstrates a government form. You can talk but you just can’t say the name of the government.
Exit Slip (or Homework) Given our discussion go back to your government forms paper. Make changes or corrections to your works We will have a government quiz tomorrow!