Orchid Potting Mixes greenbarnorchid.com
How to do Orchid Potting Earlier days Orchids used to be grown in greenhouses under a controlled environment. But today we find them in many a garden. Ideally Orchids are found to be growing on tree branches and hence their roots are exposed to air all the time. Today we try to grow Orchids in pots by trying to create a similar environment for them. Being in the pot we need to ensure adequate air circulation for their roots. Orchid Potting
Steps for Orchid planting in a pot By following the steps needed for Orchid potting you can get the desired results. 1.Make the potting mix. Normally it consists of fir bark which does not hold much moisture. It also helps in holding of the roots reasonably well. Many other types of mixes can also be used to get the same desired effect. 2.Choose the correct pot size. Having a large pot only makes the plant grow larger. It will take a long time to flower. There are chances of the roots rotting in the large pot. Ensure that the pot is small enough if you want it to grow and flower early.
3.Choose the correct pot mix depending upon how often you are going to water and how you expect it to grow. 4.The potting mix should be moisturized enough before using it. For this put the required quanties of potting mix in a bucket which can hold twice the volume of the potting mix quantity. Pour hot water over it and let it soak overnight. Next morning sieve this mixture. Wash it off to remove any dirt and it is ready to be used. 5.Put the mix into the pot and plant the Orchid plant such that its shoot is in level of the mud surface. Apply pressure on soil around the plant with your hands.
6.Place a wooden or bamboo stake in the middle of the pot and tie the plant to it for support till its roots become stable. Orchid Mixes
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