Explore Theatre: A Backstage Pass Michael M. O’Hara & Judith A. Sebesta PowerPoints prepared by the authors This multimedia product and its contents are protected under copyright law. The following are prohibited by law: any public performance or display, including transmission of any image over a network; preparation of any derivative work, including the extraction, in whole or in part, of any images; any rental, lease, or lending of the program.
Acting Chapter 9
Vocal Warm-Up A tutor who tooted the flute, Tried to tutor two tooters to toot. Said the two to the tutor, "Is it easier to toot, Or to tutor two tooters to toot?"
Vocal Warm-Up Bobby Bibbit bought a bat. Bobby Bibbit bought a ball. With the bat, Bob banged the ball, Banged the ball against the wall.
Clicker Question What are the two main types of acting? A. Presentational and Representational B. Improvisational and Technical C. Analytical and Emotional D. None of these choices
Acting Types Presentational: outside in Representational: inside out *Most acting today is a combination of the two
The Actor’s Process Auditions resume & headshot Example: Waiting for Guffman
Auditions may involve singing, dancing, monologue, and/or a “cold reading” callbacks - more extensive Example: Tootsie opening scene auditions
Preparation Research Script analysis e.g. beats and given circumstances Building a character Memorizing lines
Rehearsals Table work Read-thru; directorial approach; focus on text Warm-Ups/Exercise (ex. Mirror Exercise)
Rehearsals Blocking Improvisation Keys to rehearsal are “R&R” -- risk and repetition!
The Actor’s Process Technical rehearsals Dress rehearsals Opening night (and beyond)
Clicker Question Which musician or film actor has performed in theatre? A. Usher B. Daniel Radcliffe C. Nicole Kidman D. All of the Above