David’s Plea for Pardon and Restoration He appeals to God’s love and compassion – Psalm 51:1-2 He asks for God’s mercy – Psalm 51:1 He knows that God’s love is unfailing – Psalm 51:1; Lam. 3:22-23 He knows that God has great compassion – Psalm 51:1
David’s Plea for Pardon and Restoration He confesses his sin and asks for forgiveness – Psalm 51:3-7 He acknowledges his sin and takes complete responsibility – Psalm 51:3-6 Notice all the different ways David asks for pardon – Psalm 51:1-7
David’s Plea for Pardon and Restoration He pleads with God to restore him – Psalm 51:8-12 Let me hear joy and gladness again – Psalm 51:8-9 Create in me a pure heart – Psalm 51:10; Matthew 5:8 Do not cast from me your presence – Psalm 51:11 Restore to me the joy of your salvation – Psalm 51:12
David’s Promise to Teach Others Then I will teach transgressors your ways – Psalm 51:13 A sinful life is a really poor witness! – Psalm 51:13 When God delivers us from sin and forgives us completely, and gives us a fresh new start, that’s a powerful testimony! 1 Timothy 1:12-16
David’s Promise to Teach Others My tongue will sing of your righteousness – Psalm 51:14 There’s no desire to sing when we’re dealing with the consequences of our sin! But when we’re walking with God there’s a song in our hearts and we just want to sing it out for everyone to hear!
David’s Promise to Teach Others My mouth will declare His praise – Psalm 51:15-17 When we’re living in sin our lips are sealed! – Psalm 51:15 But when we’re walking with God we can’t help but declare His praise! – Hebrews 13:15-16
David’s Passion for God’s Pleasure He wanted God to be pleased with His people again David loved God and he loved God’s people! – Psalm 51:18 He knew he had been a bad example and led them astray He wanted to see the whole family living in harmony again!
David’s Passion for God’s Pleasure He wanted Zion to be prosperous and strong David knew that a weak nation was a mockery to God! He wanted Israel to be a glory to God among the nations!
David’s Passion for God’s Pleasure He wanted God’s people to worship in righteousness He knew that Israel had lost their passion for God – Psalm 51:19 He wanted to see God’s people worshipping Him the way He deserved to be worshipped! – Malachi 1:6-14