Tanakh I: Bereshith (Genesis)


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Presentation transcript:

Tanakh I: Bereshith (Genesis) Class 04 RELS 3060 Tanakh I: Bereshith (Genesis)

DOCUMENTARY HYPOTHESIS LITERARY STRUCTURE DOCUMENTARY HYPOTHESIS Gen. 1–11: Primeval History Gen. 12–36: Patriarchal History 12–23: Abraham, Sarah, & Hagar 24–26: Isaac & Rebekah 27–36: Jacob, Rachel, and Leah Gen. 37–50: Joseph novella Sources of known Torah text Key applications The “documents”: J, P, E, and D Implications and subsequent patterns

The Primeval History: Humans come of age The cosmology of Genesis 1–2, also found in many other ancient Near Eastern documents.

Interpreting Torah: Midrash (3rd–6th C) ”Rabbi asked R. Ishmael ben R. Yose: ‘Have you heard from your father the meaning of this verse?’ R. Ishmael said: ‘It is like the case of one who strikes the hammer on the anvil. He raises the hammer while it is yet day and brings it down just after night has come.’ Said R. Simeon benYohai: ‘A mere mortal, who does not know how to calculate split seconds, is the one who has to count up time from the week for the holy day. But the Holy One, blessed be He, who knows how to calculate split seconds, can stay within the rule even by a hair’s breadth.” – Genesis Rabbah 10.9.1A–C “On the seventh day God finished the work that he had done, and he rested on the seventh day from all he had done.” (Gen. 2:2)

Interpreting Torah: Midrash “‘It is not good’: It has been taught on Tannaitic authority: Whoever has no wife lives without good, without help, without joy, without blessing, without atonement.’ Without good: ‘It is not good for him to be alone.’ Without help: ‘I will make him a helper fit for him.’ Without joy: ‘And you shall rejoice, you and your household’ (Gen. 14:26). Without blessing: ’That a blessing may rest on your house’ (Ezk. 44:30). Without atonement: ‘And he shall make atonement for himself and for his household’ (Lev. 16:11). “And the LORD God said, ‘It is not good for man to be alone; I shall make him a helper fit for him.’” (Gen. 2:18)

Interpreting Torah: Midrash R. Simon in the name of R. Joshua ben Levi: ’Also without peace, as it is said: “And peace by to your household”’ (1 Sam. 25:6). R. Joshua of Sikhnin in the name of R. Levi: ‘Also without life, as it is written, “Enjoy life with the wife whom you love”’ (Ecc. 9:9). R. Hiyya bar Gomedi said, ‘Also he is not a complete man [adam]: “And He blessed them and called their name adam”’ (Gen. 5:2). And some say that such a person diminishes the image of God: ‘For in the image of God made He humanity’ (Gen. 9:6), after which it is written, ‘Be fruitful and multiply.’” – Gen. Rab. 17.2.1A–K “And the LORD God said, ‘It is not good for man to be alone; I shall make him a helper fit for him.’” (Gen. 2:18)

Covenants “Noahide” covenant (Gen. 9:1–16) Covenant with Abraham (Gen. 15)

Akedah: The “binding” of Isaac After these things God tried Abraham. He said to him, “Abraham!” And Abraham said, “Here I am.” [God] said, “Take your son, your only son Isaac, whom you love. Go to the land of Moriah [“providence”] and offer him there as a burnt offering on one of the mountains that I shall show you.” (Gen. 22:1–2)

Resources Primeval history: Open-source adaptation from Ralph V. Chamberlain, “The Early Hebrew Conception of the Universe.” The White and the Blue 13:11 (24 Dec. 1909), p. 85. ”Noahide” covenant: Marc Chall, “Noah and the Rainbow.” Oil on tissue. Saint-Paul-de-Vence, France, 1961–1966. Musée National Marc Chagall, Nice. Covenant with Abraham: Ibid, “Circumcision Prescribed by God to Abraham (Genesis XVII,, 10).” Gouache and oil on paper. Paris, 1931. Same. Akedah: Ibid, “The Sacrifice of Isaac.” Oil on canvas. Saint-Paul-de-Vence, France, 1966. Same.