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Presentation transcript:


Philemon Jonah BIBLE shorts

Keep your eyes peeled for: Character(s) Context(s) Stuffing Background Details Conflict Discussion Resolution

The Characters Jonah the Lord Sailors a great Fish Ninevites a Hebrew [1.9] and a prophet [1.2] the Lord is called the “tetragrammaton” YHWH…YHVH…Jehovah…Yahweh Sailors Pagans [1.5] a great Fish Ninevites

The Context Jonah is found in the Old Testament The OT is also referred to as the TaNaKh Torah Nevi’im Ketuvim Jonah is considered part of the Nevi’im It is one of “The Twelve” or Minor Prophets It is historical narrative, not a book of prophecy T N K

Israel returns from exile From 720-540 BC, Israel remained in captivity as Assyria fell to Babylon, then Babylon fell to Persia. The Context Events in Jonah occurred about 780 BC Traditional date for founding of Rome 753 Development of Greek alphabet 800 Egpytian aristocrats use chairs 1150 First Olympic Games held in Greece 776 Greek mathematician Pythagoras 530 Nineveh destroyed 619 Israel enters Canaan 1250 Temple built 957 Temple destroyed 580 Israel into exile 720 Passover 1280 Israel returns from exile 539 Jonah 780 David becomes king 1000 Abraham 1400 Elijah “leaves” 850 1400 1300 1200 1100 1000 900 800 700 600 500

The Context Jerusalem Nineveh Joppa Tarshish Jonah’s probable location in [1.1] Nineveh Capital city of the Assyrian empire Joppa Israel’s primary seaport Tarshish Location: UNCERTAIN

Nineveh Nineveh Tarshish? Tarshish? Tarshish? Tarshish? Joppa Jerusalem Jerusalem

The Stuffing : Act I The Lord speaks to Jonah “Go to Nineveh and tell them they’re done!” [1] Jonah goes the other direction…[3] …because Jonah knows a shortcut? …because Jonah believes the Ninevites don’t deserve the Lord’s judgment? …because Jonah doesn’t want to be the bearer of bad news? …because Jonah is a pacifist? The secret will be revealed in ACT IV

The Stuffing : Act I Disaster strikes! Naval Emergency Plan (Pagan Edition): Step 1: Cry out to your individual gods! [5] Step 2: Get rid of cargo, lighten your load. [5] Step 3: If you have any passengers, try their gods, too! [6] Step 4: Cast lots to see who you should blame. [7] Step 5: Conduct a background check on the guilty party. [8] Step 6: Ask the guilty guy what you should do. [11] Step 7: Try again to get to shore. [13] Step 8: Do what the guilty guy told you to do…but be sure to explain yourself to his god(s). [14-15]

The Stuffing : Act I Why the storm? YHVH is making a point. He is different from pagan gods. [9, 10] He will have his way with Jonah [17]

The Stuffing : Act II Jonah prays to the Lord Telling him what has happened, [3-6] How he responds in faith, [7-8] How the Lord will respond [2, 9] The Lord speaks to the fish and sends Jonah back onto dry land

The Stuffing : Act III God speaks to Jonah (again) “Go to Nineveh and tell them they’re done!” [1] Jonah goes to Nineveh…[3] And prophesies the destruction of the city [4] The Ninevites believe the message and take action [5] Fasting and wearing sackcloth News of the prophesy and the people’s action reaches the king [6] And he takes the same action, decreeing that all his people should do the same [7-8] Why? “God may relent and change his mind; he may turn from his fierce anger, so that we do not perish.” [9]

The Stuffing : Act III Why was Jonah sent to the Ninevites? Jonah is a great example of the character of Although God chose Israel to display His character for all people to witness… His desire to bring all the world (you and me) to Him did NOT begin with Jesus “When God saw what they did, how they turned from their evil ways, God changed his mind about the calamity that he had said he would bring upon them; and he did not do it.” [10]

The Stuffing : Act IV So everyone lived happily ever after… WRONG! Jonah is very upset!! [1, 3] Jonah wanted the Ninevites to pay… It’s a natural reaction…and one that we often share. But it’s not a godly reaction [4] So the Lord is going to teach Jonah a lesson.

The Stuffing : Act IV Here’s the heart of : “You are concerned about the bush, for which you did not labor and which you did not grow; it came into being in a night and perished in a night. And should I not be concerned about Nineveh, that great city, in which there are more than a hundred and twenty thousand persons who do not know their right hand from their left, and also many animals?” [10-11]

Philemon Jonah BIBLE shorts