While you are waiting, please write a note to your child.
I taught Kindergarten for 3 years and this is currently my 4th year teaching 1st grade. I am looking forward to this new year with you and your child. I believe that teaching is a parent-teacher partnership and encourage you to come into the classroom to see what we are doing! We can always use volunteers!
Communication/Where to get Information: Email me at Lauren_E_Day@mcpsmd.org when questions arise or you would like to schedule a time to talk Check the class webpage for newsletters, schedule, and volunteer spot sign ups.
Supplies: 3 pack regular 24 pack crayons 2-Dozen pencils (pre-sharpened preferred) 3-packages twistable colored pencils 1 set of earbuds for computers 12-Elmer’s glue sticks 2-Two-pocket folders (plastic folder) No rolling backpacks, they will not fit in cubbies or lockers. All personal items should be labeled.
Notes: Students must bring a note each time there is a change in their normal dismissal routine. This includes weekly after school activities. Also, please send in a note if your child has an appointment during the day or will be leaving early. If you know your child will out of school for any reason in advance, please send an email to the teacher and the main office. CSES policy is that we do not provide assignments in advance for travel.
Snacks: Children will be allowed to eat a snack in the afternoon due to an early lunch time. Snacks should be just a small snack, no utensils needed please (i.e.- goldfish, granola bar, chips, etc). They should be in child’s backpack. We do have a child with severe allergies this year- including not only nuts, but dairy, egg, pea, and chickpea.
Behavior Expectations: I have high expectations for the students in our room. I expect all of my students to achieve academically to their fullest potential. I expect students to contribute in a positive manner to my classroom. I will be using our color system to help monitor these behaviors. Color System: Friendly reminder Two warnings = Move down a color Positive behaviors= move up *If you child is on orange for the day, a think sheet will be sent home.
Think Sheets You will be notified via email that one will be coming home. You should review it with your child, then sign it and return it to school the following day.
Birthdays: We will celebrate once a month. Parents will be contacted at the beginning of each month to coordinate the celebration. All birthday items must be peanut-free, store-bought, and pre-packed.
www.volunteerspot.com Sign up to volunteer in the classroom. Sign up to help teacher with copying, laminating, putting up bulletin boards. Sign up to volunteer at lunch, recess, or with other specialists. Donate items on the teacher "wish list.“ Sign up for class parties Sign up for parent/teacher conferences, coming soon….
Mystery Reader: We will have a mystery every Wednesday afternoon (possibly every other depending on availability). This is a fun time for students and an opportunities for volunteers to interact and engaged with the whole class. Please see handout for additional information regarding times, expectations, and the entire process. A sign up will be posted on Volunteerspot shortly.
Grades: P- Proficient (goal) I- In progress N- Not yet
Time: 9:40-10:30 We are excited to be implementing the Lucy Calkins writing program school-wide this year! The units of study are as follow and align with the Common Core Curriculum: Unit 1: Narrative Unit 2: Informative Unit 3: Opinion Unit 4: Narrative **Each Unit will cover an entire marking period with a finished product at the end of each.
Time: 10:30-11:30 Ask and answer questions about key details from literature Read, ask and answer questions, and identify, name, and describe text features in informational text Expand vocabulary and meaning of unknown words from text Participate in collaborative conversations about text read in class
Time: 1:30-2:30 Data collection and graphing Place value Counting to 120 Addition/Subtraction Fact families Double digit addition/subtraction Measurement Geometry
Time: 2:30-3:15 Parts of living things Basic needs of animals Living/nonliving Properties of objects/materials Magnets Natural/man-made features Helping/harming the environment Conservation Engineering
Time: 2:30-3:15 Rules/right/responsibilities American symbols Culture Differences between past and present Describe places on earth Geographical tools Characteristics of places on earth Goods/services Jobs
In order to help foster word knowledge, fluency, and spelling practice we will be using the Phonics Dance program as our primary word work curriculum. We will study a “chunk” or two each week along with a dance movement to make phonics fun!
Homework will be sent home at the beginning of each week, starting this week. It is due back on Friday. Baggie Books and written questions will also be sent home (soon) weekly and returned on Friday. Read 30 Reading Program- students will try and read 30 books independently this year!
Monday- PE (WEAR SNEAKERS!) Tuesday- Computer Lab & Guidance (B Week) Wednesday- Music Thursday- Media Center (return books) Friday- Art
Fields trip will align with the curriculum. We will attempt to go on 3 fields trip this year. If anyone has any thoughts or ideas for a field trip feel free to share them!