YOUR NAME YOUR TITLE DATE Certification in Hotel Industry Analytics (CHIA) YOUR NAME YOUR TITLE DATE
About Us American Hotel & Lodging Association (AH&LA) Headquartered in Washington DC Provides focused advocacy, communications support, and educational resources for lodging industry Serving the hospitality industry for more than 100 years Representing 2.5 million Hotel rooms with over 20,000 member properties
About Us American Hotel & Lodging Educational Institute (AHLEI) Founded in 1953; the non-profit education and training arm of AH&LA Offices in Florida, Michigan, India and China 100+ products in a variety of training media Product development in conjunction with direct industry input 97 International Distributors, Affiliates and Licensed Institutions in 55 Countries 16,500+ Hotels and Resorts currently use our training resources and certification programs globally 250,000+ Hotel Professionals currently hold a professional certification globally 2,000+ High Schools, College and Universities use our academic programs and supplemental materials globally 435,000+ Academic Exams graded since 2008 Customer base (B2B, B2G and B2C) in 100+ countries
American Hotel & Lodging Educational Institute (AHLEI) Our mission statement: Continue to be the premier source for quality hospitality education, training, and professional certification, serving the needs and advancing the excellence of hospitality schools and industries worldwide.
Hospitality industry
STAR reports
Description This online program has been specifically developed to prepare candidates for the actual exam. Quiz questions are also included to help target preparation activities and test the candidate’s comprehension of hotel industry analytics. Fee includes: CHIA online review program CHIA certification exam Certificate upon successful completion of the exam
Core Content Areas
Training includes Case scenarios, hints, sample reports, Industry “tricks of the trade”, Analysis examples, quizzes, discussion questions Application exercises where participants gain hands-on experience working with hotel data.
Hotel Performance Reports
Trend Reports
Data by Measure
CHIA Exam Candidates have access to the CHIA online review program for six months from the date of purchase and must successfully complete the certification exam within the six-month period. Candidates are allowed 90 minutes to complete the exam. A minimum score of 70% on the 50-question exam must be achieved to earn the CHIA designation and receive a certificate.* Recertification requires successful completion of a short test. An online tutorial will assist you in preparing for the recertification exam. *Candidates who do not achieve a 70% score are allowed to retake the exam up to two additional times at a cost of $50 per attempt.
Certification Individuals obtaining the Certification in Hotel Industry Analytics are awarded five recertification points that can be used for AHLEI certifications having a maintenance requirement.
Workshops One and two-day workshops are available for group training. Additional fee applies. These can be conducted at a company's headquarters or in conjunction with a scheduled event or conference.
Train-the Trainer Sessions Train-the-Trainer sessions are conducted all over the world on a regular basis. Additional fee applies. Sessions present the CHIA content and prepares you to be able to present the CHIA training at your organization. Learn how you can personalize the training related to your own country or city or any area of the world that you are interested in studying. Participant can take the online exam after the Train-the-Trainer session to receive the CHIA certification themselves.