Narrating Dr. Sun Yat-sen: His thought, family and revolutions in Hong Kong and Macau Michael W H Chan Dept. of General Education, Hang Seng Management College, Hong Kong International Conference on Macau Narratives, Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities. New University of Lisbon, Fundação Oriente, 8-10 May, 2013, Lisbon, Portugal
Narrating Dr. Sun Yat-Sun The difficulties on Narrating… A Revolutionary to New China Founder and Father of the Nation The “1911 revolution” A Stereotype of understanding? He is also a Christian, a Medical Student, a true friend, a typical Physician, a Father with loyal wives…
Dr. Sun and his Hong Kong years Nurture place of his knowledge, thoughts, and the revolutionary minds…
Christianity and his mentor in Faith: Rev. Wang Yuchu 王煜初牧師
四大寇(孫中山、陳少白、尢列、楊鶴齡)與關景良 Four Bandits (四大寇) and Kwan King Leung 四大寇(孫中山、陳少白、尢列、楊鶴齡)與關景良
Dr. Sun’s Clinic in Macau: Rua Das Estalagens 草堆街 Dr. Sun’s Clinic in Macau: Rua Das Estalagens 草堆街
Madam Lú Mùzhēn (盧慕貞), Soong Ching-ling (宋慶齡) and Chén cuìfēn (陳粹芬)
Museum as means of Narration traditionally, “narrative” is generally understood as a story-driven, passive experience… Bedford (2001; 2004) and Rounds (2002) considered that narrative was a powerful way that cultural and social history museums, in particular, engaged visitors.
Dr. Sun Yat-sen Museum, HK Opened on December 12, 2006 Revitualised from Kam Tong Hall, a historic building at Mid Levels Dr Sun had not set foot at Kom Tong Hall throughout his life… Other features: Sun Yat-sen Historical Trial, Memorial Park, etc.
Dr. Sun Yat-sen Museum, HK The late opening of the museum… much of the Dr. Sun’s items had been lost and conserved by other museums…Only very few original items. Most of the buildings and heritages in the Historical Trail were demolished.
Pak Tsz Land Park, former meeting place of Furen Literary Society (輔仁文社)
Problem on Revitalizing: From Kam Tong Hall to Dr. Sun Museum Kam Tong Hall itself was a famous historical building. Using as Dr. Sun Yat-sun museum, its original value was declined. There should be a more suitable choice to fit the house…
Sun Yat Sen Memorial House, Macau Known formerly as “Mansion of Sun”, it was where the Sun’s former family members and relatives used to live. Lu Muzhen settled down in the House in 1913 with her two daughters. She lived in the house before passing away at the age of 85.
Sun Yat Sen Memorial House, Macau The museum have strong sense of authenticity on narrating Dr. Sun’s personal and family life. The museum is based on memorizing Madam Lu, lacking Dr. Sun’s working information as physician in Macau.
An all-angled and humanized narration of Dr An all-angled and humanized narration of Dr. Sun helps us to have a more in-depth understanding of his faith, thought, also, providing a more detailed view of him in Hong Kong and Macau: The two unique places in China that time…