The Internet Public Library Using the Internet Public Library: Jennifer Lau-Bond User Services Coordinator
The Internet Public Library IPL History Begun in 1995 at the School of Information and Library Science (now School of Information) –Started by a class of students and professors In June 2006, IPL partnered with other Information Schools (I-Schools) to form the IPL Consortium mInfo.html
The Internet Public Library What Is the IPL? 1.A website ( containing: Collections of nearly 45,000 links reference service 2.An educational and research laboratory for librarians –Majority of work is student-driven
The Internet Public Library
The Internet Public Library Collections at the IPL Link to free online sites All links selected and reviewed by library science graduate studentsmust meet our collection policies Sites indexed and abstracted Subject collections as well as special features and exhibits
The Internet Public Library Collections: Subject Collections Links organized by headings; browse down to further sub- headings
The Internet Public Library Collections: Subject Collections Examples: Social Customs, Traditions, & Folklore (under Social Sciences) / Sports (under Entertainment & Leisure) /
The Internet Public Library Collections: Newspapers Links to online newspapers from around the world. Includes papers in English and other languages. Under Reading Room
The Internet Public Library Collections: Newspapers Examples: Michigan (under United States) / Pakistan (under Asia)
The Internet Public Library Collections: TeenSpace Separate section of the IPL for teens. Includes learning materials as well as interesting and entertaining sites.
The Internet Public Library Collections: TeenSpace Examples: A+ Research and Writing Thing of the Week Poetry Wiki For questions about the Poetry Wiki, contact Mike Galloway
The Internet Public Library Collections: POTUS Special collection about the Presidents of the United States, including facts and links to other online materials. Under Special Collections
The Internet Public Library Collections: POTUS Examples: George Washington tml Dwight D. Eisenhower
The Internet Public Library Collections: Exhibits Original online exhibits that include text, pictures, and sound. Under Special Collections
The Internet Public Library Collections: Exhibits Examples: Music History Pueblo Pottery Lighthouses: A Photographic Journey
The Internet Public Library Reference at the IPL Service is free to allquestions from around the world and people of all ages Questions answered by trained library students and professional volunteers Use free sites and sometimes refer to print or subscription sources (local resources when possible) Questions submitted on web forms for adults ( and kids under 13 (
The Internet Public Library Adult Reference Form:
The Internet Public Library Teacher Questions 1.Teachers refer students to the IPL reference service for help (though we cant help entire classes at once) Actual Question: What's the easiest and quickest way to grow a crystal. the teacher said we could find information anywhere including the internet including the IPL. (from 9 th grade student) To see the response, visit:
The Internet Public Library Teacher Questions 2. Teachers submit questions on behalf of a class to gather general research suggestions/sources Actual Question: Please tell as much about Lois Lowry, the author of The Giver as possible. I am teaching an eighth grade class and want to give my students sources they can use to learn about her. To see the response, visit:
The Internet Public Library Teacher Questions 3. Teachers ask their own work-related questions for background research, lesson plan help, professional development, etc. Actual Question: I am looking for sources for a research topic for my professional development class. I am researching "second language acquisition using computers" or "teaching ESL classes using computers vs. teaching ESL classes without computers" any sources - articles, books, etc. that you could provide for me would be helpful. I'm a teacher. Thanks. To see the response visit:
The Internet Public Library Asking a Reference Question We cant accept medical or legal questions or questions that need a response immediately (usually best to allow at least 3 days) –Sometimes we receive more questions than we can answer Fill out question form completely Let us know if youre a teacher (and at what level)
The Internet Public Library Reviewing the Slides These slides will be posted on IPL site at Look for slides titled Using the IPL Linked from IPL homepage in left navigation bar (Teach With The IPL)
The Internet Public Library Have a reference question? Submit it using our online form: Have more questions about what the IPL can do for you? Contact Jennifer Lau-Bond, User Services Coordinator, at