First, you should get the train ticket. Follow me (следуйте за мной)! Hello! I’m Harry Potter. I’ m the student of Hogwarts magic school. I will help you during your journey (путешествие). First, you should get the train ticket. Follow me (следуйте за мной)!
Let’s get started with warming up.
pen apple pencil eraser ruler book orange
Well done! Now you have got a ticket. You need to take the train.
1 4 a e 5 2 c f 3 6 b d
Good job. You are in the Hogwarts Express Good job! You are in the Hogwarts Express. We have a lot of time to do the next tasks.
Divide the chain into words Speakloudlyintheclassroom drawonthewallsanddeskswritenotestofriendsrunandjump betweenthedeskstakeapetto theclassroom
Underline the verbs In English we usually read texts, translate them, write sentences and speak. In PE we usually run and jump, play football and volleyball. In Maths we look at the board, count, write and listen to the teacher. In Reading we read texts, listen to the teacher and students and learn the poems by heart.
Cross out the bad advice Do what your teacher says. Answer the teacher’s questions. Be polite to the teacher and to other students. Take a pet to the lesson. Say “Good morning” to the teacher.
Стирательная резинка Цветные Карандаши Учебник Точилка Карандаш Линейка Ручка Краски Пенал Стирательная резинка Цветные Карандаши Translate the words.
Well, the train came to Hogwarts, our magic school Well, the train came to Hogwarts, our magic school. Now we are to cross the lake.
CLASSROOM RULES We must … We mustn’t …
Read the letter and say what Marion Hailey, Head Teacher of Green Hill School, asks her pupils’ parents about. 10 April GREEN HILL SCHOOL Dear parents School visit to London for classes 3A and 3B. Mr. Grey (History teacher) is asking his classes on a school visit to the Natural History Museum in London on Thursday, 10th April. Everybody must please: - be at school at 8, - have the uniform on and good shoes, - take a raincoat, a lunchbox, a wookbook and a pencil. We will come back at 5 in the evening. This visit is very important and I hope that all pupils will go. Yours sincerely Marion Hailey Head
True or false? T F T F T F T F T F T F The History Teacher takes his classes to the Natural Museum on the 24th of March. The History Teacher takes his classes to the Museum on the 10th of April. The children can wear any clothes they like. The children will have lunch at home. The children will come home at 5. The visit to the Museum is very important. T F T F T F T F T F T F
Congratulations! You have opened the magic egg with knowledge!