From: Inhibition of saccade and vergence eye movements in 3D space


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Presentation transcript:

From: Inhibition of saccade and vergence eye movements in 3D space Journal of Vision. 2005;5(1):1. doi:10.1167/5.1.1 Figure Legend: Trajectories of pro- and antivergence observed in the distracter task only, when a distracter appeared in depth. The distracter LED could appear in front of the fixation LED, calling for a convergence from 40 to 20 cm (A) or from 150 to 20 cm (B). The distracter LED could appear behind the fixation LED, calling for a divergence from 40 to 150 cm (C) or from 20 to 150 cm (D). Only vergence starting 80 ms after distracter onset are shown. For each type of movement, we show all instances of records for the group of subjects. Trajectories are those of the vergence signal (difference between left eye and right eye horizontal signals) so that a convergence results in a positive deviation and a divergence in a negative one. Other notations as in Figure 2. Date of download: 12/22/2017 The Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology Copyright © 2017. All rights reserved.