TAKE A PEAKE AT TIM PEAK!!!! BRILLIANT BADGE CREATED BY ... Above earth far away, Tim Peake wears a bright colourful badge designed by a kid, who is called Troy, had to chance to meet Tim Peake wow!!!! That must of be a privilege I bet he was nervous. Also he is the first British astronaut!!!! ABOUT TIM PEAK! Below earth Tim Peake has left some information lets take a Peake at it. Tim’s full name is Timothy Nigel Peake cool huh!!!and he had a space birthday wow!!!! awesome!!!!!! surprisingly Tim’s hobbies are cross country running, reading and skiing like all of them! He has two sons and a wife .his sons names are Oliver, Thomas and his wife name is Rebecca Peake. Imagine having a astronaut husband. THE AMAZING ISS Tim's mission, the principia, needs him to find out more about materials and body parts and what happens to them in space! OH OH OH I can name a few! Your heart beats slower and you float around right. YES!!! To not waste your bones and muscles, you have to do 2 HOURS of exercise per space day crazy huh!?!? FACTS ABOUT THE ISS The ISS (International Space Station) is now the biggest artificial body in orbit ! The ISS has two bathrooms, a gym and more than 6 beds! Ok that’s all from us we hope you enjoyed our space FACTS!!! By Shaila Lugo Silva