Session 58 Winners of the Michael Young & Neville Butler prizes
What makes good research? Informal Theme What makes good research?
9:15 AM Welcome & Introduction Dr Sean Moley ESRC National Centre for Research Methods (Hub, Southampton) 9:20 AM Introduction to the Michael Young Prize Barbara Doig Chair of the 2010 Michael Young Prize Panel. 9:30 AM The impact of changing environments on people Dr Mark Reed (2009 Michael Young Prize Winner) University of Aberdeen 10:05 AM The impact of fair trade on the wellbeing of women, businesses and organisations. Dr Ann Le Mare (2010 Michael Young Prize winner) Durham University 10:40 AM Questions & Answers Speakers will take questions from the floor. 10:45 AM Tea / coffee breaks
11:15 AM Introduction to The Neville Butler Memorial Prize Prof. John Bynner Director of Longview 11:25 AM A comparison of the characteristics of childless women and mothers in the ONS Longitudinal Study Simon Whitworth and Martina Portanti (2009 Neville Butler Memorial Prize Winners) Office for National Statistics (ONS) 12:00 PM Parenting and Youth Conduct Problems and Delinquency: Reciprocal Effects and Moderation by Callous-Unemotional Traits Dr. Luna Munoz (2010 Neville Butler Memorial Prize winner) University of Central Lancashire 12:35 PM Questions & Answers Speakers will take questions from the floor. 12:45 PM End