Evaluation points – examples to ensure your work is correct Nature vs. Nurture (weakness) E.g. situational factors only take into account nurture, it does not explain nature e.g. individual differences (personality) Reductionism vs Holism (weakness) E.g. Individual differences explanation is reductionist as it only takes one factor into account (therefore it is oversimplified). It does not take other factors such as situation and culture into account What would be more holistic? To take into account all three factors as a more complete and holistic explanation of prejudice. Supporting studies (strength) E.g. Personality (authoritarianism) is supported by Adorno and Cohrs et al. This makes the theory more valid. Therefore it is more useful to society to help explain prejudiced behaviour. Application (strength) E.g. Situational factors: Is applicable to real life. Conflict: Can help explain prejudiced behaviour in our society (2 groups may be in competition for limited resources) Contact hypothesis: WE can use this theory (i.e. common goals, interaction etc.) to help reduce prejudice between two groups in society.
We must understand the links to individual differences and developmental psychology Provide a definition for each of these terms: Developmental psychology: Definition: Evidence that links to developmental psychology: Adorno – authoritarian personality formed in childhood. Harsh parenting – love-hate relationship Hate/anger repressed and displaced onto weaker members of society. Prejudice can be affected by culture, which comes from environmental effects. Individual Differences Definition: Evidence that links to individual differences: People vary on a range of psychological attributes (personality) RWA OCEAN How do we link this to prejudice?
Comparing the factors (use all three) Supporting evidence? Term to use (where as, on the other hand etc) Similarly Where as Nature vs Nurture? Application? Is one more useful than the other? You can use evaluation points e.g. Individual difference factors are reductionist as they only take into account personality and therefore oversimplify the explanation etc… similarly situationally factors are reductionist because…..
Exam questions In your groups make a list of potential exam questions for this topic using the command words we have covered in class A01: 2 marks, 4 marks, 6 marks (description or explain) A02: 4 marks (application questions with a scenario) A03: 8 marks/12 marks (evaluate/assess questions) Using bullet points plan answers for as many of the questions as possible. Please work as a group and use an electronic document so that you can share the work you complete. I will check your answers in the lesson.
H/W revision Assessment 4 Classic study (Sherif) Factors affecting prejudice