PROPERTY OF PIMA COUNTY JTED, 2010 Culinary Arts Following recipes 1 PROPERTY OF PIMA COUNTY JTED, 2010
PROPERTY OF PIMA COUNTY JTED, 2010 Answer the follow question in your notebook or on a sheet of paper. What steps would you take to follow a new recipe you wanted to try out? Be prepared to share your answers. 2 PROPERTY OF PIMA COUNTY JTED, 2010
PROPERTY OF PIMA COUNTY JTED, 2010 Objectives Define terms related to following recipes. List the steps to following a recipe. Demonstrate the ability to read and follow a recipe. 3 PROPERTY OF PIMA COUNTY JTED, 2010
PROPERTY OF PIMA COUNTY JTED, 2010 Terminology Directions: Written instructions used to make a food item. Mise en place: French term for "put in place." In the restaurant world, it means getting all your ingredients out and set up before you begin combining ingredient. All the tools and utensils needed during cooking are organized and put in place and the ovens are preheated. 4 PROPERTY OF PIMA COUNTY JTED, 2010
PROPERTY OF PIMA COUNTY JTED, 2010 Terminology Recipe: A precise set of directions including ingredients with the amount needed and procedures to follow for making a certain food product. Ingredient: Something that enters into a compound or is a component part of any combination or mixture. 5 PROPERTY OF PIMA COUNTY JTED, 2010
PROPERTY OF PIMA COUNTY JTED, 2010 Major Parts of Recipes Ingredient list Specific Amounts of ingredients Directions 6 PROPERTY OF PIMA COUNTY JTED, 2010
PROPERTY OF PIMA COUNTY JTED, 2010 Step 1 Read your list of ingredients. Make sure you have all the items before you start following the recipe. You don't want to get half way through the recipe and find you are missing a key ingredient. How to Tackle a Recipe Read the recipe all the way through before you turn a hand. Every word! Check your supplies, to see if you have all the ingredients called for. See if you have the right equipment to work with. Nothing is more frustrating than to be in the middle of a recipe and find you do not have the right pan or pot. If you are not familiar with an ingredient listed, look it up so you will recognize it the next time. At this point, get out all ingredients and all equipment. Do as much preparation prior to combining ingredients as you possibly can - following exactly, of course, recipe directions. Last but not least, follow the recipe to the letter. It is only the experienced cook who can take liberties with, or make changes in a recipe. All recipes published today are thoroughly tested, and the directions given should be followed meticulously. You’ll be a happier cook if you . . . . Make it a habit to trim, peel, scrape foods over waxed paper or paper towels. Saves work in the long run. Keep a damp cloth close at hand. Cooking is more fun and more successful when your hands and kitchen are tidy. Wash pots, pans, and utensils as you work. Wipe off your range each time you use it. Preheat your oven for all baking - unless recipes say not to. Wipe off tops of salad-oil, catsup, chili-sauce, mustard bottles or jars every time you use them. Do not cut or increase recipes unless you are skilled enough to recognize the difference in pan sizes and/or cooking time necessitated by the change. PROPERTY OF PIMA COUNTY JTED, 2010
PROPERTY OF PIMA COUNTY JTED, 2010 Step 2 Read the whole recipe so that you are aware of all the steps involved. Make sure you have all the equipment you will need. PROPERTY OF PIMA COUNTY JTED, 2010
PROPERTY OF PIMA COUNTY JTED, 2010 Step 3 Make sure you understand the measuring terms. You will typically use customary (ounces, teaspoons, cups, pounds) measurements. Check that your measuring tools match the recipe and that you understand the measurements. PROPERTY OF PIMA COUNTY JTED, 2010
PROPERTY OF PIMA COUNTY JTED, 2010 Step 4 Pre-heat your oven to the required temperature if you are cooking the food in the oven. This allows you to prepare the recipe while the oven warms up PROPERTY OF PIMA COUNTY JTED, 2010
PROPERTY OF PIMA COUNTY JTED, 2010 Step 5 Place all the ingredients and equipment on the counter in your reach. Do as much preparation prior to combining ingredients as you possibly can - following exactly recipe directions. *Doing this step is called Mise en Place 11 PROPERTY OF PIMA COUNTY JTED, 2010
PROPERTY OF PIMA COUNTY JTED, 2010 Step 6 Follow the steps in the recipe directions. Measure the dry ingredients with measuring spoons and cups. Level off the dry portions so that no ingredient overflows. You want an accurate measurement or the recipe won't work out. Use a liquid measuring cup for measuring liquids. 12 PROPERTY OF PIMA COUNTY JTED, 2010
PROPERTY OF PIMA COUNTY JTED, 2010 Step 7 Mix ingredients together according to recipe directions. Sometimes ingredients need to be mixed together before they can be added to the recipe. You often mix all dry ingredients together and set them aside. Then you measure all the liquid ingredients together. When you are done, you add the 2 combinations together in the main recipe. 13 PROPERTY OF PIMA COUNTY JTED, 2010
PROPERTY OF PIMA COUNTY JTED, 2010 Step 8 Heat or cook the recipe according to the directions. Make sure your oven is set at the correct temperature. 14 PROPERTY OF PIMA COUNTY JTED, 2010
PROPERTY OF PIMA COUNTY JTED, 2010 Step 9 Check the food often if it is cooking. All cooking surfaces and ovens heat differently and you may need more or less time cooking time than the recipe requires. 15 PROPERTY OF PIMA COUNTY JTED, 2010
PROPERTY OF PIMA COUNTY JTED, 2010 On a piece of paper, you have 1 minute to list ALL 9 steps in following a recipe. Turn in before you leave class. 16 PROPERTY OF PIMA COUNTY JTED, 2010